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fish out of water

A sexual position. Another modified version of the wobbly h coined by the founding forfathers of the Wobbly H Club, Involving 2 men and 1 woman. Involves bending a woman from the Wobbly H position so that her stomach lies on the ground with her head up. Man 1 face fucks her any way he seems fit to do so. Man 2 fucks her ass from a sprinting block position. Both shoot their load at the same time, causing her to whiplash, which simulates a fish jumping out of the water.

"She is a catch of the day....Let's give her the fish out of water."

by Ryan January 21, 2004

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fish out of water

An album by Yes's bassplayer Chris Squier

The album came out in 1973

by BaSSPLaYeR December 12, 2004

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fish out of water

the absurd sexual act when a male inserts his hard penis (fish) into a women's empty mouth (the pond) and fills it up with urine (water). He then proceeds to pull out his fish and smack it on the women's face while yelping "FISH OUT OF WATER! FISH OUT OF WATER!"

I had a hot round of sex last night and finished off with a fish out of water.

by Sean and Tommy June 16, 2007

8πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

fish out of water

To pull a trampoline manuever that is so out of control and so mind blowing that the body looks as if it is shaking like a fish would if removed from water. The manuever is generally performed on accident or by professionally trained trampoline artists.

"Did you see the fish out of water that paul just did. He is such a qlackjope."

by Ryan franzmann February 19, 2007

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Fish out of water boy

That one boy that emma likes from her vacation

β€œemma won’t shut up about fish out of water boy”

by italiannosehairsaregross October 8, 2019

like a fish out of water

(adj.) Simile phrase that refers to one being in a habitat or position one does not like and is not used to.

I'm like a fish out of water, down here on the farm

by Gumba Gumba May 29, 2004

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

shark bite out of water

biteing someone on the shoulder out of water and then uttering the words "shark bite out of water"
commonly used by nazneens

person 1: *standing there*
person 2: *creeps up on person 2 and bites theyre shoulder*
person 1: OUCH!
person 2: shark bite out of water! MWAHAHAHA
person 1: heyyyyyyyyy
person 2: MWHAHAHAHHA >:)

by E//R//B September 20, 2009

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