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A prescription pill that is given to people with minimal to severe pain.

Different pills: 10mg, 20mg, 40mg and 80mg
Prices: 10mg/$3.50, 20mg/$7.50, 40mg/$15, 80mg/$25-$30

(best way to remove the coating is to put the oxy in your mouth suck on it for 3-5 seconds and wipe the coating off on the inside of your shirt, than crush, pop, snort or bang to your hearts desire)

I cant deal with the sketch when coming down on oxycontin

by MGC July 14, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


OxyContin is a powerful prescription opioid painkiller. It will bend you over and fuck you up the ass like an innocent altar boy alone in the vestry after services. If you take it just to have fun you will almost certainly become addicted psychologically and eventually psychically. If you take it because you are in pain you will most likely become physically and mentally addicted to it, your tolerance will increase over time and you will run out before the end of the month. When you run out you will crash and end up buying in on the street. SERIOUS DO NOT FUCK WITH THIS DRUG AT ALL. If you are in pain smoke some pot, it is neither psychically addictive nor dangerous, it will make you happy, hungry, sleepy and mostly pain free. If you are taking it just for fun you are highly advised to stop immediately and seek help for your underlying problems or you will soon find yourself in a withdrawal as bad as heroin and you may even find yourself stealing or prostituting to get your next fix. Take it from an addict of many years, no one deserves this curse.

OxyContin will bend you over and fuck you up the ass like an innocent altar boy alone in the vestry after services. Up rate this is you are a fellow addict and wish to warn newbie users ,by way of vivid imagery, the hell they are getting themselves into.

by OC180MS200 March 15, 2011

596๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž


A continent in which large quanities of oxycodone or oxycontin are present; or a continent inhabited by oxydone and/or oxycontin addicts.

"Dude, your are using so much oxycodone and/or oxycontin, you should go live on an oxycontinent."

"Hey mom, ive been using alot of oxycodone and/or oxycontin recently so im moving to an oxycontinent.

by Untamed Buffalo February 9, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Synthetic opiate ; painkiller. Obtained by prescription. Prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain. Sold by people who tell their doctor they need it, but rather have $5000 for a bottle of 100 pills. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, like you're wrapped in the warmest blanket and safe. Yet when your off it, you get withdrawal and anxiety to the world, because you have been numb/high/ for so long. Most people say they see everything "clearer" when they become sober.

10, 20, 40, 80 mg's. The 160's were pulled from the market.

Not something people do (or should do) on the weekend for "fun" like maybe say, alcohol. More like something you "have" to do to have fun, because you're addicted and if you don't do it, you'll feel like shit.

"I love oxycontin but then I hate it?"
"yo..., got anything(oxycontin)?"
The old little lady across the street sold me oxycontin.

by L0VE December 3, 2005

407๐Ÿ‘ 275๐Ÿ‘Ž


A semi-synthetic opiate was intorduced in the late 1990's by Purdue Pharmeceutical. For recreational users, its heaven in a pill. Feelings of extreme euphoria and well being are common. Along with a wonderfully annoying thing called an "opiate itch". Considered to be one of the most enjoyable opiates on the market today.

I was searchin through my parents medicine cabinet and found some Oxycontin 80's! Brought them home and crushed one up and railed that shit. Maaannn, Oxy is fucking better than sex man

by breh529 February 19, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jesus there is really no high like oxy

Suck the coating off, dry smash and rail

For sale Johnny.clyne@gmail.com

Man I'm fucked, just railed an 80 oxycontin and all I feel is warm, safe and fuzzy.

by Oxymormon31 March 31, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most overrated opiate, and isn't very similar chemically to heroin at all, despite some people's beliefs, If you're hooked on oxys, save yourself the money and start snorting H, and get just as high for a fourth of the price. Also, not called Oxycotton. Ever.

Dumb Junkie: Hey I got some oxycontin want some?
Smart Junkie: Fuck that I just bought a gram of H

by OCs suck December 6, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž