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palate rape

When you drink so many high ABV pastry stouts that your palate is destroyed and you can't taste anything after.

All of those Angry Chair stouts palate raped me and I couldn't even tell if the KBS Espresso was even any good.

by CeeDubbs December 23, 2019

trashy palate

A diet of gross and unusual combinations of food items, particularly ones that do not go together at all.

My friend has a trashy palate.

by 3310033i2 March 4, 2019


the act of sucking on a phallus

See that chick over there...i bet she's a good palate-chafer!

by ladygagsalot February 24, 2010

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Cleft Lip and Palate

A congenital deformity in which a child is born with a hole in the roof of their mouth. This could be unilateral or bilateral; one hole or two holes. This deformity is usually corrected at birth and throughout childhood/adolesence. This deformity effects a child's psychological well being as well as physical. So... be nice.

I was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate.. and no I am not retarded.

by Proud Cleftie February 10, 2011

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Slap her Palate

To have your dick sucked on. Referring to the dick touching the soft palate inside the mouth.

Check her out over there. I would definitely slap her palate.

by cliftonville May 1, 2010

paint palate

in referance to paint the walls the palate is a chicks pussy in which you dip the brush(penis) into

after hours of painting my brush needed some more paint when a palate came along i was ready to go for longer

by king April 24, 2004

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Online Phonetic Palatability Disillusionment

The moment when that cute thing you type online sounds dumb when you say it out loud in real life. Like when you actually say "sneks" out loud.

"Hey, come check out this reddit for sneks."
"For what?"
"For sne-... Never mind I just realized this is stupid and a waste of everyone's time. "
"You just had Online Phonetic Palatability Disillusionment didn't you"
"Yeah, it hurts a little."

by Dr. Kissinger July 6, 2017