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They're the worst!


I know they're the worst!

by Jerry June 5, 2003

87๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ignorant people. We usually leave out the word "ignorant" because ignorant people are considered average.

I hate people!

I love people!

I hate little kids!

Little kids are so cute!

Old people are so cute!

I hate old people!

I hate teenagers!

Gotta love teenagers!

by frabrizio August 10, 2017

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A social creature that hates others of its kind, and is often antisocial.

I hate people.

by TheRadioDemon_ April 20, 2020


The things that you're afraid of until you lemon meringue them

ME; I am so afraid of people
FRIEND; So was I until I lemon meringue them

by I will lemon meringue you June 19, 2020


I am one

those people suck

by minecraft pro roblox June 25, 2020


Viruses of the planet known as earth. Even though we don't perfer to call us the following things, we are:
Who are only concerned about our well being and rarely take concern onto other's well being. We are not the smartest things on earth, we were just lucky to be blessed with thumbs and a flexible body. If you're reading this, you are selfish, you can only read this on your computer (Unless you actually bought an urban dictionary)Do you even know what the computer is, all the hell some people had to go through to bring you this wonder.

But it's our problems that make us unique. Maybe you'll look back at this message and change your life just alittle bit, to lessen the amount of shame on the human race.

an:People are one of natures wonders
Joe:So are viruses

by a messenger August 25, 2007

77๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, delicious

People taste like chicken.

by Hannibal April 18, 2003

120๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž