A soft and unready penis. Looks as though it would say peep as it pokes out of the boxers.
"Jimmy's pepis surprised my this morning."
A version of 'Pepsi' that will not get you a copyright strike on youtube.
The youtuber Markiplier started this.
The video titled 'WOULD YOU LIKE A NICE COLD PEPIS??', on Markiplier's channel, was the start of the term Pepis.
Mark: "My name is Jeef, I like Pepis."
Jack: "I like a nice cold Pepis."
A mentally chalanged can of Pepsi.
Dude, this can of Pepsi is spelt 'Pepis', it must be retarded.
He is a fucking poop master...He spend time in the toilet more than his family....He also suck at games...He is Cringe GOD and that made him spacial in the group...He really want to make you cry... He is the best of the best!
She is the sweetest girl you will ever meet
If you ever encounter a wild Pepi do not flee instead give it love and affection. The Pepi’s are a very rare species but one of the cutest of it’s kind is one Pepi alone they may seem dangerous fear not as Pepi’s tend to be very sweet and protective of their loved ones.
The wild Pepi asks out the Lilly
Critical hit :Lilly is overwhelmed with Pepi’s cuteness
She has successfully gotten a girlfriend