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Philosophy is really simple. If one has no excess energy one can do nothing. If one has any excess energy one can do one of five things with any external or internal thing.
1. Interact with it in the here and now.
2. Put it aside for potential future interaction.
3. Recycle it.
4. "Dispose" of it.
5. "Ignore it."
This is all there is to anything.

Philosophy is simply anything one can imagine or do, and one can only do one of the above five things.

by fred ressler September 28, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The love of wisdom, in so far as the pursuit of happiness. As practiced by the ancient Greeks, philosophy informed one's whole way of life, much akin to modern day Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Taoism.

Hate and attacked by ugly emu chicks and guys with small penises.

Inbred Bush-supporter:
"Philosophy majors, fuck them. Nevermind that our whole system of society, science, and government would collapse without the love of wisdom, everybody should be staring at my tiny penis even if they need a microscope. Oh, and worshipping Jesus, cause' my stupid religion involves 100% no knowledge. Can't have philosophy without knowledge."

"Why sir, the rising tide of anti-intellectua examplified in your retarded rhetoric is the reaon why we have intelligent desing in the schools and Bush in the whitehouse."

Inbred Bush supporter:
"Whatever, just make sure I can get my budweiser and a junker to get me to church every Sunday, brainiac."

by Cadmes Julian November 26, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


well in a nutshell.....

philosphy is to the real world as masturbation is to sex

by ColHol December 1, 2004

95๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Greek for "Love of enslaving your fellow man" by mindfucking them into submission.

Or murdering them.







by Bob April 7, 2005

109๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


Philosophy is to your mind, what physical conditioning is to your body. It has very few practical applications, just like weight-lifting has very few practical applications. However, by teaching yourself to view the world in other ways (most of which are entirely theoretical) you can better understand your own reality. You become healthier physically through exercise, and you get healthier mentally through philosophy.

There really IS a high corrolation of people who study philosophy to people who use drugs. The reason being that many people use psychotropic and hallucinagetic drugs to expand their mind, and philosophy does the same thing.

Many people also falsely claim Hinduism, Buddhism, and other "eastern" religions to be philosophy, as a large portion of their teachings are aimed at expanding the mind as well. The reality is that all theology falls under the VERY general blanket of philosophy. (see example #2)

Most philosophy majors are either: intellectuals, druggies, or pompous asses.

#1. Fields closely tied to philosophy: law, religion, art, film, writing, psychology, business.

#2. Ignorant person: Why would I need philosophy? The Lord tells me everything I need to know about life.

Philosopher: Than why are there so many sects of Christianity?

Ignorant person: Because there's more than one way to interpret the word of God. We're human and can't know exactly what God means.

Philosopher: Interpreting information when there can be no proof at the time of interpritation is exactly what philosophy is used for.

Ignorant person: Yeah, well I don't need it. My parents told me which one is right.

by -Cory G.- March 15, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


The love for knowladge. The longing for it.
Socrotes brought it into homes of men and ignorance and self destruction drove it out. The perfection of human nature. The ability to take any event and look at it with a rational and open minded point of view without being subjective. Remaining calm threw any tragedy and appreciating beauty in everything.

Shane: Wow stop and look at the clouds and the sky and the pure innocence of nature.
Dave: {laughing} Thats so funny.
Shane: It hurts how much you dont know but it is just philosophy helping me appreciate life.
Dave: What?

by shane, teenage philosospher September 6, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


"mental masturbation" - Sammy Hagar

^Best philosopher EVER!

suck it dry bitches ! ! ! ! ! !

by eat fuckin shit and die you friggin nerds ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! April 17, 2005

70๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž