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Hunters Pointless

The phrase used for the rarely-used Hunters Point stop on the 7-train in Queens, New York

Girl: Okay, this is Vernon/Jackson. Court House Square is next, right?

Guy: Bitch, are you kidding me? You forgot about Hunters Pointless.

by J-Diculous December 17, 2008

6👍 1👎

Pointless conversation.

A pointless conversation is when you are talking to someone on facebook, texting, or something else. It happens when the second person in the conversation doesn't feel like talk to you.

Person #1- Hey!
Person #2- Hi.
Person #1- Whattuup?
Person #2- Nothing.

The end of pointless conversation.

by Your mommmy. December 29, 2010

14👍 6👎

You're Pointless

A triangle releasing an inner psychopath in a circle.

Triangle- You're Pointless
Circle- 39 Buried. None found.

by PolarEng May 11, 2022

Repetitive And Pointless

Repetitive and Pointless = Rap

The most retarded type of music to ever hit the radio. Rap usually has no point and is just a bunch of random bullsh*t that has been manipulated to rhyme with the sentence before. I.E. fo shizzle my nizzle ... except for "my" none of those were actual words. This is how rap is made. The stupid people that make it, honestly, don't know what they are saying. So, they just ramble on about bitches, hoes, weed, being "gangsta's" and guns until they eventually steal some hard-working persons music and use it as a "beat" for their little pointless "raps". They do this because for the most part, rappers have no actual talent besides being able to find words that rhyme with bitch. Now to alot of people this definition will seem incorrect and "hatin'" to them I say, Go curl up in a dark, dark corner where no one can see you and die.

Rap. Anyone who likes rap is fat and has no friends.

by Rap is 4 the ignorant January 5, 2004

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Pointless Thread

"Pointless thread" is the name of a discussion thread on a number of political message boards begun by a single person known only as "Chanty".

The first one began on the "Real Time with Bill Maher" community message boards but has also been added to several others.

The thread is meant as a way for users to talk about anything without fear of deletion for going off topic. Generally speaking, a post on this thread should not have a point, but be a random thought passed to others on the thread.

The "Pointless Thread" is the most popular thread on the Real Time Boards.

by Amadscientist April 19, 2009

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Pointless argument

A pointless argument is when you argue with someone that can’t back up their argument so they either say the same things multiple times, make fun of you, or just can’t admit they are wrong.

“What are you doing?”

“Having a pointless argument with Camilo right now”
“ I hate when he argues, he can’t admit that he’s wrong sometimes”

by Dizzyboy1 April 7, 2020

Pointless Bitch

A pointless bitch is a female who enters your life so that she can better hers. She draws new experiences and life meaning from the time she spends with you, however you gain nothing from her but heart ache as she has not yet managed to become a fully functional girlfriend. Trains include but are not limited to, being a complete sponge, smoking all your weed, wearing your clothes, never being able to see it from your view, acting like you're her dad and generally being a brat on every level.

Contrary to common belief, niggers do not need these type of women in their life and they go as quickly as the appear. Usually to be replaced with another type of bitch that niggers don't want around.

Dam Kacey is a total pointless bitch you know, all she does is smoke his weed and spend his money.

by truthoftheflower July 28, 2014

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