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Juan Pompey

Fiction Novelist Joshua Crimm's finest character. Juan pompey utilizes his eagle powers as a gay luchador to fight his oponents on the ring. He is a wine maker by day, Luchador by night.

Juan Pompey might be gay, but he can make some good Merlot.

by Pedro Orta November 5, 2007

1👍 1👎

Masturbating Man in Pompei

This man saw the world around him becoming ash and fire, but still decided to crank one out. A fucking legend

Man One - Who's Your Hero?
Man Two - Masturbating Man In Pompei
Man One - Oh shit

by NateTheCanadian July 22, 2018


When a girl is blowing you and you ash the blunt on her head.

Yo dude, Tariq was pompeiing that chick last nigh. He’s not a bad guy though.

by JaansenDubois June 6, 2022

Pompey corsa

A popular car drove around Portsmouth by girls named Stacey… usually with sweeties in the glove box (wink wink wink)

Hey I’ve met a girl at the weekend and she is totally a Pompey corsa, I don’t know what to do!

by Banana88mph September 1, 2021