A customer service agent that must take irate customer abuse day after day with no option to stand up for oneself. A self-hating SOB in a dea-end job with little or no other employment options.
Aaron is such a phone prag. I hope he gets out of that hell-hole soon. He's gonna' wither and die in there!
prag is referred to the growing bud of flower or a gentlemen who is handsome , smart and caring and girls attract towards such gentlemen
Hello prag ! How are u sweety?
prag is referred to the growing bud of flower or a gentlemen who is handsome , smart and caring and girls attract towards such gentlemen
Hello prag ! How are u sweety?
A derogatory term used to demean low-testosterone soy boys. The term originated from HBO series "Oz," short for prison fag; also referred to as a vince.
Inmate 888 turned his weak and cowardly cellie into a prag (or vince; used interchangeably). The vince soon began turning tricks to pass the time remaining in his sentence.
"Prags" is a secretive female group, united by names starting with "Prag." They communicate through telekinesis, stay together, and evade detection.
You better beware of the Prags—they're mysterious, dangerous, and unsettling.
Toys, clothes, food items, shoes ( any material or object ) sent from the USA or any foreign country to a Caribbean country in a barrel or boxes.
Eh eh girl, like you get prags , barrel meet..
I went to collect the prags my sister sent.