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Mostly bullshit. Every time someone attempts to psychoanalyse me, they fail miserably.

Psychologist: I believe you punched that guy in the nose because you have deep issues of security and you felt threatened in your own envioronment. It had nothing to do with the fact that he kicked you in the balls.

by oh shit i'm dead March 4, 2005

415๐Ÿ‘ 347๐Ÿ‘Ž


mental torture

Person A: Psychology is being able to tangibly manipulate and torture another person's brain to understand it better.

Person B: Now that's just mental torture!

by gratersenpai July 20, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best way to find out that you are not special.

-I just had a mental revelation! I now truly understand myself! I am my own human being. I just went from being a boy to being a man!
-Oh cool! I learned in my psychology class that *insert famous psychologist* predicted you would do that.
-Oh... that's cool, I guess.

by Cest Mercredi February 23, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A multi million dollar exploitative industry that poses as a science despite having about as much scientific weight as voodoo.

Psychology is sick quackery that preys on desperate people.

by joey246 September 16, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


A social science best described as the study of how environmental stimuli influence an animal's behavior. Fundamental concepts such as Pavlovian Conditioning and Instrumental Conditioning are the basic Principles behind learned behavior and can be used as one method of explaining any kind of behavior.

Psychology is one of the easiest ways for a slacker (like me) to obtain a B.Sc. without concern for natural sciences like Chemistry, Calculus, Physics et c. It's legitimacy is apparently controversial, judging by the other definitions listed, but let's not forget that this is URBAN DICTIONARY.

It is true that many students major in Psychology, and they're also the ones you'll find in some Pub during midterm week because they got their studying done early. Not all Psychology majors want to be shrinks, some just want to get a degree and get the fuck out with as little effort as necessary. Isn't that what University has become these days? A B.Sc. is, after all, a B.Sc.

Guy one: Hey man, what did you think about that Psychology class?

Guy two: Good enough. Let's go get a beer and a burger and then we'll party in the dorms.

Guy three: okay, fuck those med students man, not everyone is cut out to be a doctor.

Guy one: yeah, I'm a lazy piece of shit. But whatever.

by dougdougdoug September 26, 2007

62๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


The biggest joke of a University course ever. Generally consists of about 5 hours a week max with half of those being cancelled every other week. Nearly always taken by those keen to go out and get drunk rather than get a proper degree. Hence students of the course are often referred to as keenos. Highly recommended to those who want to go to University but not do any work, just go out, get smashed and usually sleep with anyone that is a 2/10 or above. Therefore become a stellato when drunk quite often too.

Flatmate: "Are you revising tonight?"

Psychology student: "fuck no!"

Flatmate: "Oh yeah, I forgot you were a psychology student"

by G6 laddd January 12, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Probably the most bullshit field of study besides liberal arts, pyschology is the field of study of the human mind and how it works(?) The whole study ignores a thing called logic. Since you cannot disect the human brain and study it, idiot scientists pull assumptions out of their asses without backing up their theories. They do this so they can diagnose "freaks" and "abnormal." 99% of assholes who take these class do it to be cool and not look like an idiot when infact it's the complete opposite. People who become pyschologist are assholes who like to diagnosed people who are 'abnormal' so they can pay off their Lexus payments and finish buying that gold yacht.

What really pisses me off about pyschology is that it implies on how everyone should act in some bullshit social set of standards otherwise you have some sort of disorder. Nevermind the fact that there is a thing called disagreements, emotions, and doing what you like. So the whole thing just spews of contradicting bullshit.

I like to be alone and have my own space therefore I have Asperger's Syndrome and Social Anxiety Disorder, what? Oh yea I also am Bi-Polar because when I get pissed off and I don't hold it back. I have ADHD because stuff that I don't like bores me so I don't care much for it.

A typical psychology case: A mother is bringing in her 8 year old daughter because she doesn't like school(who does?). The doctor is a Hindu fresh graduate who just graduated in an online course and can hardly speak English. God knows why he got a job at a health center.

*Doctor looks over new charts after mom writes some bullshit*

Quack: So you can't get along in school and you don't like being there?

Girl: No, school is boring and the other kids are mean to me because I'm the one of the three girls in my class.

Quack: Do you feel down and depressed, do you drink or smoke at all?

Girl: What?

*After a half-hour of nonsensicle questions, the doctor automatically she knows the girl like shes a father and prescribes the little girl with 2 different medicines, one is for seizures(yes for my 'bi-polar' I have been prescribed seizure medicines).*

I love how the doctor automatically assumes that she knows how the girl works and prescribes her useless medications.

by Patch Adams June 14, 2006

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