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rage against the machine

Rage Against The Machine is the best band to ever have sat foot in this world - their music ain't just some crap they made up like shitty pop music; their music means something and it is politically inspired. They were a great band and it was a dam shame they split-up. Their music makes you think and that shit is important!

"Tha gut eaters, blood drenched get offensive like Tet
Tha fifth sun sets get back reclaim
Tha spirit of Cuahtemoc alive an untamed
Now face tha funk now blastin' out ya speaker, on tha one Maya, Mexica
That vulture came ta try and steal ya name
But now you got a gun, yeah this is for the people of the sun" - for those who don't know 'Tet' (the Tet Offensive) was a big attack which took place in the Vietnam war and a lot of people died.

by Joeiznogood April 14, 2004

355๐Ÿ‘ 220๐Ÿ‘Ž

rage against the machine

A Karl Marx-inspired band formed in the early 90's, broke apart sometime in the year 2000. One of the most succesful political modern rock bands, and progenitors of the 'rap-rock' movement. Some of their music videos were directed by controversial filmmaker Michael Moore. Credibility is sometimes challenged, however. Tom Morello, guitarist of the band, claims to be a Marxist advocate but owns a number of expensive Cadillac automobiles at his LA home.

Self-titled, Evil Empire, Battle of Los Angeles

by SleeperInTheFire March 23, 2005

154๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rage Aganist The Machine

Best band ever.

Damn, foo. You eva see Rage Against the Machine play live?

by John August 31, 2003

61๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rage Against The Machine

After reading the definitions here, the most overrated fucking band ever. Or at least in the top 10 overrated of the 90s.

Stupid ass lyrics, criminally overrated dumbass guitar player (make a bunch of noise and get praised!), and just generally nauseating.

Absolutely NOT A METAL BAND. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Rage Against the Machine are a group of overrated pseudorevolutionary turds.

by Galileo Humpkins January 30, 2008

249๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rage Against The Machine

Millionares who became rich by telling us all how much they hated capitalism.
Many of their fans fail to realise that the band and its record label are a big part of the very 'machine' they claim to be 'raging against'.
See hypocrite or Michael Moore.

I will admit that their songs are good though.

by JesusWritesPunkSongs January 24, 2005

282๐Ÿ‘ 215๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rage Against the Machine

A leftist rap/rock group from the 1990s who sang about the evils of capitalism and corporate greed, then made millions and broke up over money. See also hypocrite

"Rage against the Machine was a popular band among spoiled college students and angst-ridden high schoolers."

by Deej July 16, 2004

260๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rage Aganist The Machine

White People revolution music.
Good band that broke up.

Rage aganist the machine is good.

by Bob May 28, 2003

69๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž