Source Code


1. Originally when a speed dealer buys more speed to sell. (speed = an upper.)
(To re-cop.)
2. Recently crept into the mainstream meaning anything extended or renegotiated, like a contract or term of office

1. "I can't sell you an 8-ball until after i re-up."
2. "Shaquille O'Neal re-upped his contract with the Lakers."

by Theresa Haffner December 13, 2003

80πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž


A Hip-Hop Soul influenced band from Boston. Instruments include Horns, a Master of Ceremonies, Disc Jockey, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboard and EWI.


"You going to the RE-UP show tonight?"
"Sure am that shit is HOT! My ladies are gonna be front row as always."

by hiphopcello April 5, 2010

41πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


Get high on drugs again.

It's been a 2 hours since my last joint. I think I'll re-up.

by Darin April 16, 2005

37πŸ‘ 281πŸ‘Ž

Re-up your cup

To refill your cup with preferred alcoholic beverage of choice

Trying to get turnt up tonight? It is time to re-up your cup.

by Black Rock Hershey February 23, 2015


To remake something that already exists. You can add or subtract something from it

Bro let's make a Re-up of your song.

by TonyZA March 25, 2020


The word re-up is used as the term booster according to multiple sources of people who are afraid of the allmighty covid 19 lord bless

Jesus Christ ricky you got the chills? Shit I better get one of the Re-up the government is dishing out!

by Kel the Black american July 2, 2022


To get more of something in an effort to fill a void.

β€œHey man I just ran out of Doritos, I’m going to go to Walmart and RE UP.”

by Defining 4 Real March 24, 2021