The hypothetical global reform that will eliminate unnecessary and detrimental regulations or practices that big industries get away with all the time.
The Industrial Reformation is an inevitable event that will take place in the next several decades.
It's where they hang and chill off their problems for it's a no girls zones and they free to do whatever they want because they don't care! They are also known for their crazy driving
The guys of the reform club don't care about what what you say
A euphemism for increasing your taxes to decrease taxes on those wealthier than you.
We need tax reform so billionaires can keep more of their ill gotten gains . Sincerely, D.T.
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A person who has beliefs in God, yet is awfully slutty and has a bad reputation.
Rianna always goes to church but is always leading on guys! She is such a reformed christian!
4👍 12👎
Phrase used to describe immigration reform that provides an equal opportunity for any illegal with a clean record to win their American citizenship. One convicted felon is removed from the prison system, and with feet and hands bound, strung up at the town square. A small group of illegal immigrants are provided a set of golf clubs to choose from, are blindfolded and the fun begins.
Illegals wielding a wood or driver are given 2 swings, while iron club users get 1 swing before moving to the next participant. The wetback that delivers the deathblow is granted American citizenship. The general public is encouraged to gather round and enjoy the festivities.
Juan: I can’t wait for my chance to become an American. I’ve been practice swinging down at the range all week!
Carlos: Yes señor Juan, I too have dreamed of this day of Piñata Immigration Reform! Town square is decorated nicely and will be quite the fiesta today!
167👍 5👎
A hood nigga who has now got his shit together. Has a great job and responsible but still has hood tendencies.
Dante is a reformed hood nigga. He makes great money at his job and handles his business and yet can smoke a blunt and drink the best wine at the same time
15👍 2👎
"Hey, Health Care Reform is a big fucking deal"
"okay Joe"
60👍 29👎