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regurgitated cum bubble

To swollow a mouth full of cum and then throw it up, only to find that when doing so, a bubble of white, sticky cum has formed from your mouth.

Yo. She blew me, and couldn't handle it... Bro... Regurgitated cum bubble.

by 1010011010-666 December 1, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

auto-erotic regurgitation

Having an orgasm while vomiting.

Shelly is Bulimic not because she thinks she is fat but because she is addicted to auto-erotic regurgitation.

by Kitty Katz December 31, 2010

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Regurgitated Cum Wad

The final result of a bulemic purging herself after giving her boyfriend a blowjob.

"That regurgitated cum wad tasted a lot better going down."

by Lowrider June 3, 2003

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Regurgitated Cunt Muscle

Either a pantie thief or a person who thinks they are all knowing. Even when Proved Wrong. Also could be an unexpected/unannounced visitor Or children who frequently shit their pants.

I cannot believe that regurgitated Cunt Muscle Knocked on my door without warning, Stole my undies, and shat his pants! What a fucking queef!

by Jonny Obese October 18, 2009

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Regurgitated Pussy Squirt

A matter of vagina mess that is vomited when a person (male or female...who gives a shit) consumes it.

Or just some dickless fuckface.

1) Ugh, this regurgitated pussy squirt is really leaving an aftertaste.

2) Wow, shut the fuck up you regurgitated pussy squirt.

by I rule so much ass. March 4, 2005

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Regurgitated Pussy Squirt

I matter of vagina mess that is vomited when a man sucks in all the pussy juice...or just a fucking dickface.

1) Ugh, that regurgitated pussy squirt is leaving a horrible aftertaste.

2) Dude, just shut the fuck up you regurgitated pussy squirt.

by I rule so much ass. March 4, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


The action(s) of projecting ones own internalized attitudes or beliefs onto others; specifically when they address certain people of a minority they both belong to or an audience that have similar prejudice. Typically we see these situations with 'pick me' personalities who appeal to their oppressors while also trying to separate themselves from those who have a similar background. Similarly, these same people who internalize these attitudes or beliefs of others will regurgitate it back out into the world as if it were their own.

Women who regurgitate misogyny will say that it is the woman's fault if a man were to sexually assault them.

by Carebear24242 July 31, 2024