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Grammar Nazis remark

An unspoken admission by a pseudo-intellectual that they lost the argument. It happens when they change the topic to grammar and spelling because they couldn't win the argument on the original topic .

John: What is 2 plus 2?
Jane: 2 plus 2 equals 5
John: 2 pluss 2 does not equal 5, it equals 4
Jane: plus* not pluss
John: Your still wrong, the answer is 4.
Jane: You're* not Your.
John: Will you stop with the Grammar Nazis remarks

by The Anti-Grammar Nazi April 4, 2018

Make remarks

when you make remarks means you say something, but it is slightly offensive.

I used to date taller women, and people make remarks on me

by Uncle Vi August 18, 2023


This definitely a girl. She is very beautiful that even a Goddess is jealous with her. She is also a kind, loving, cheerful person. You should definitely care with her for she is a gift that no one surpasses her. She isn't perfect person but surely she is a Goddess.

Omg did you see that? That's remark, the Goddess Princess.

by Goddessesme June 11, 2021

but blasting media yields butt blasting remarks

Sharing opinionated knowledge on news, media, etc. to a large group and learning afterwards, it could be used against self or the opinion shared by self.

But blasting media yields butt blasting remarks: I didn’t like what someone said to me. I blasted it on social media and I received more comments I disapprove of.

by HunkyBeat May 27, 2022

"firehose" remark-reaction

Refers to the involuntary "geyser" of liquid/slurry that one produces when something funny/shocking is spoken in his presence while he's eating/drinking something, said utterance causes an "automatic" or "uncontrollable-on-short-notice" lung- expulsion from a laugh or cough, which in turn causes a forceful ejection of the mouth's contents which shoots out for several feet and disgustingly messes up anything (or anyONE) in its path.

A classic example of a "firehose" remark-reaction is when Jimmy Culp does an astonished "sploooot!" when he hears his name mentioned by Robert Stack on the Tonight Show immediately after taking a deep swig of beer.

by QuacksO February 21, 2019

redundant romantic remark

Affectionately known as a "triple r"; this term refers to any quietly-uttered statement or question (in which case, "triple r" could also stand for "redundant romantic request") that needlessly but pleasantly addresses an already-in-progress action; the purpose is usually to just playfully express gratitude for your romantic partner's taking time to canoodle with you. For example, if you're dreamily watching a sunset with a cutie-chick and you have all ten of her slim delicate digits deeply interlaced with your big leathery ones, and yet you smilingly murmur to her, "wanna hold haaaannndddsss...?"

Huge marshmallow-hearted guy, tenderly cradling a fluffy little number sideways on his lap and nestling her ear against his fuzzy chest so that she can savor his heartbeat: Wanna snuggle?

Cutie, giving a quiet placid giggle at her friend's redundant romantic remark, and slightly tightening her own loving clasp on his brawny encircling arms: We ARE snuggling, you big hairy gorilla!

by QuacksO March 23, 2017

Closing remarks

When you don’t know how else to end a conversation.

Distant relative at family reunion: “Hi sweetie! How is school? Do you have a girlfriend? What about a job? Has your music career taken off yet?”
Me: “Closing remarks”
Me: “

by look_up_”big ol doink” October 2, 2019