A RuneScape player by the name of "Reparative" he's quite azn and likes to be fed fried rice,
He has a brother named "Rosco" who is a Daywalker(red haired) His brother rosco tends to be greedy when it comes to RuneScape and Pins.
Reparative 4 Prez, but disown rosco.
Financially benefiting off of someone else's hardships, solely on the basis of external similarities
Bob wanted reparations for all the fellow curly heads mocked at school
Damn, why is it always the reparations gang robbing stores and shit?
A financial package, like a golden parachute, added to BIPOC employment contracts that include diversity titles or JEDI responsibility. The severance package accounts for the emotional labor and emotional tax accrued during the job and protects against the statistically likely premature dismissal due to organizational flightiness, shifting of priorities, or gaslighting of the candidate.
I negotiated reparations severance into my employment contract because it was a Chief Diversity Officer role, and they like to fire us after they get their Linkedin photo-op.
When, after determining that first attempts were not sufficient, a child returns home to live in the basement while parents being reparenting.
Margaret and Ben thought they were finally empty-nesters until Jake dropped out of college and forced them back into reparenting.