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Resort Vacation

to lick around, or insert one's tongue into, another person's anal sphincter. More commonly used as a compound verb: "to go on a resort vacation".

It stems from the belief that giving "blow jobs", "rim jobs", and "hand jobs" should not be like going to jobs at all, but enjoyable, like going to resorts or on vacations.

Male prostitute: Hey baby, what can I do for you?
Greg: I would love to go on a resort vacation.
Male prostitute: Where's the resort?
Greg: In your nice, tight ass.

by Erum September 18, 2007

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Last Resort

When you really want to get high and You don't have a piece and no one in your group knows how to roll well and all you have is a Black and Mild. You cut the wooden filter off and proceed to loosen and empty the cigar without ripping it open. Then you hollow out the tip and place the hollow cigar into the tip. Finally you pack the weed into the cigar and twist off the end. Then all you gotta do is light and enjoy.

Caution: This rips extremely hard, I'd recommend bringing a drink.

My buddies and I couldn't stop coughing after that last resort.

by The botanist 420 December 21, 2011

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resort vacation

to lick around, or insert one's tongue into, another person's anal sphincter. More commonly used as a compound verb: "to go on a resort vacation".

It stems from the belief that giving "blow jobs", "rim jobs", and "hand jobs" should not be like going to jobs at all, but enjoyable, like going to resorts or on vacations.

Male prostitute: Hey baby, what can I do for you?
Greg: I would love to go on a resort vacation.
Male prostitute: Where's the resort?
Greg: In your nice, tight ass.

by Erum September 12, 2007

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The last resort

To steal someones most prized possession after gettting your ass kicked to the point of crying by that person.

Brah just kicked my ass but for the last resort I ganked his shit hahaha.

by Kimbo Splice October 29, 2010

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Last Resort Friend

The friend you call as a last resort when all your other friends are busy. You don't really like this friend and are prone to cancel on them if you get a better offer. You may be this friend to someone else.

Scenario 1
Bob: Hey are you free this weekend?
Friend: Sorry I'm not, got some family function I can't get out of.

Bob: Damn it everyone's busy, Guess I'll have to call my last resort friend.

Scenario 2
Tim: Hi Dan's just cancelled on me. Are you free tomorrow?
LRF: You only ever call me when everyone else is busy, I'm sick of being your last resort friend!

by mrperson123 April 11, 2017

Sentinel Beach Resort

An audible sigh coming immediately after plunking down on the toilet seat before a particularly loud dump. Typically preceding a shot across the bow and very awkward for one’s neighbors in the restroom. Origin unknown but perhaps an ironic reference to the initial sense of tranquility and peace felt by missionaries, anthropologists and other visitors to North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal before hearing the initial volley of arrows.

It was bad enough my dad and had to use adjoining shitters at the rest stop on the way home but when I heard his Sentinel Beach Resort I knew I only had seconds to cover my ears before he opened fire.

by Tin Hat Kippah December 6, 2020

Spring Creek Resort

Euphemism for those looking to locate a source of marijuana or other illicit drugs.

While sitting at a corner waiting for a bus, a man in a car pulls up and asks "Do you know where the Spring Creek Resort is?" This is his way of determining if you have any drugs to sell him.

by johnny mellow July 18, 2009