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revolutionary road

1. verb.Term referring to the premature ejaculation Kate Winslet was subjected to in the movie Revolutionary Road.

2. verb. Performing a do-it-yourself late term abortion at home while your husband is at work fucking his secretary.

1."So Pam did you and Todd finally get it on?"
Pam: "Yeah, but he totally wentrevoulutionary road on my ass."

2. Honey, I'm home! Where's my dinner bitch!

Wife: "In a minute honey! I'm trying to revolutionary road right now!

by chokeonthemagic July 25, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Revolutionary War

The revolution war was the one war that made Britain lose everything. It all started after the French and Indian War. The colonists had no representatives or anything. So they fight the British and won 8 of 10 major battles that actually counted. France helped the colonists after they won the Battle of Saratoga.

Revolutionary War is still talked to this day about.

by One little hellian October 24, 2017

revolutionary crush

the feelings that develop in a person that surge from the admiration of someone who is a historical or current revolutionary. this may be due to the way they speak, the way they organize their community, or even the way they look.

Have you seen the movie about Che Guevara?

Oh yeah, I have a huge revolutionary crush on him!

by cruxpert2 June 22, 2011

Revolutionary War

The only war GREAT Britain ever lost to the french .........

Revolutionary War? Fuck that, we can't fight the french on two fronts, fuck it it's only america, dump it so we can get on with kicking Napoleon's shitty little head in ............. we can always come back and set fire to the white house later .........

by stillwater blue March 4, 2010

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Revolutionary War

Yes, Britian won almost all of the battles, but they were defeated at the battles that actually meant anything. France helped yes, but in the end they gained nothing other than kicking britian in the dick. although this war could have been avoidable because it was started almost entirely because of samuel adams. adams led a secret groud that constantly tryed to start a revolution, it is beilved adams or one of his men fired the first shot at lexington. Amusing.

Although this war could very well have been an english victory, they were taking care of the Napoleon wars. Thus causing britian to lose this war.

by loca October 14, 2004

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Coffee House revolutionary

This is similar to an armchair quarterback, all talk and no action.

Tyler was a typical coffee house revolutionary, all radical talk with no chance of action!

by I, Wreckerrr October 19, 2016

Coffee Shop Revolutionary

An individual (coffee shop revolutionary) or group of individuals (revolutionaries) who speculate on the utopia that "could be" following radical societal, governmental, and cultural change without actually taking action to do initiate it.

These coffee shop revolutionaries are comparable to "Armchair Generals" and "Armchair Politician's".

The prefixes of "Coffee Shop-" or "Armchair-" imply that the individual or individuals who desire reform or change lack the interest in making the sacrifices to take part in it. They are also the people who have the luxury of playing the all-knowing spectator to an event or social situation. An armchair general, for example, is a civilian one who believes he has all the solutions to a war which he formulated while sitting in his recliner in front of the television or while reading a newspaper.

Person 1: Our government needs to implement welfare reform, give greater tax breaks to middle and lower class, and improve international relations.

Person 2: Definitely! Someone should do something!

Person 1: I know. Our government sucks. Too bad I'm a Coffee Shop Revolutionary and won't do anything about it.

Person 2: Me too. I'm going to get another chai tea, want one?

by RealMadrileno March 4, 2007

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