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Eve was created from Adams rib. Making the female species ribs.

Bro look at those ribs, they are checking us out.

by Rhadry oderhm February 9, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Ratio-Induced Bitching Syndrome; When a low number of girls at a school, like an engineering school, causes the guys to feel that they are rejected for no good reason and complain that the girls are full of themselves. Since they start to feel this way they then shun girls who won't just screw them because they are paranoid that everyone is a bitch thereby making it difficult for girls to socialize with guys.

Stacy: RIBS has caused all the guys to be assholes to me because I have a boyfriend and won't screw them.
Elaine: Yea, I know I have the same problem because I don't put out.

by engineeringchick May 19, 2008

65πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


Food composed of 43.2% bone, 56.4% "BBQ" sauce and 0.4% meat.

Is known for being gross, unhealthy, and incredibly messy.

I wouldn't be eating these dumb ribs right now if I had something better to eat.

by bobertdude October 28, 2008

53πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


rib=a woman.women came from adam's rib.

you ribs need to stfu!

by MNF July 20, 2004

27πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


If your in a gang called Blood. Rib is the same as crib.

"Come smoke a joint in my rib"

by anairam October 5, 2008

17πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Nowadays, people refer the term "ribbing" as making fun of someone, but in reality, it actually means "I am GOING to attempt to insult you, even though I have do not have a good comeback."

Fellow Student: -happens to glance over at my computer screen, and sees something that isn't too attractive to him- OMG WHAT IS THAT EW OMGWTFBBQ

Myself: I would appreciate that you would keep your opinion to yourself, because I sure as fuck do not care for it.

Fellow Student: -that strange clicking noise that students such as he makes, becomes irritated- ....I'm about to rib..

Myself: -smiles- I'd like to see you do it.

Fellow Student: .....nappy.....hair....

Myself: -smiles wider, gives a chuckle..- Hey, good job. Keep up the good work. -goes back to work-

by ANForever April 30, 2011

10πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


When someone is skinnier than skinny

Oi it’s mad how ribbed jack is

by Gurner Kings November 19, 2018

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž