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rip-off A friend who backs out of a proposed plan to spend the day/night out with his mates,generally at the last minute, in order to spend the day being verbally abused by his girlfriend

rip-off"Sorry guys, I know i was due to pick you up in 5 minutes, but im going to have to cancel as the GF wants me to ....*insert something boring here*

by Theanalbutcher April 8, 2009

15πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

rip off

A low budget circumcision.

That was such a rip off

by theholytrinity6 July 26, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When a lol player says a mobile moba game is a ripoff of lol

Lol player: lmao mobile legends is just a rip-off game of lol
Dota player: U guys keep saying that every time when u don’t realize lol is a rip-off game of Dota

by Ξ”PΟLLΟ April 27, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

rip off the bandaid

To quickly do an unpleasant job to avoid prolonging the agony

I know you dont wanna tell her but sometimes you gotta rip off the bandaid...

by Covington Lily January 11, 2020

40πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Raven Rip-Off

This is a phenomenon that occurs frequently during football games played by the Baltimore Ravens. Mysteriously, during games, particularly during close games, penalties occur which are seen by no one else but the league officials on the field. These penalties occur at critical times during the game and always go against Baltimore.

Any complaint or protest against these penalties is met with a smug and sanctimonious lecture from the league and/or fans of the opposing team. Media types occasionally notice this phenomenon, but some actually are in on the conspiracy. The few who have the courage to speak the truth are generally ignored or accused of being delusional. Thus, the lies and dishonesty are allowed to continue unabated.

And Pittsburgh gets another first down! That holding penalty against the Ravens must have happened really fast, because nobody saw it...wow, those officials have sharp eyes! Unless, of course, this is a Raven Rip-Off, but we're not supposed to talk about that.

by Saiga12 April 16, 2011

58πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

to rip off a Carrie

1) To cause either violence or destruction; mayhem, confusion.

2) To commit arson.

Peter: β€œHave you seen that episode of β€œThe Office”, when the beat farmer, Dwight, pulls out a Molotov cocktail from the back of Michael Scott’s car?”

Tessa: β€œYea, I think he was trying to rip off a Carrie with that.”

by Newshanks December 25, 2017

Overdraft rip off

When banks process your largest transactions first and your smallest ones last. This process only happens when you don't have enough money in your bank and the bank delays your smaller pending transactions to screw you in the asshole with insufficient funds fees.

Dude 1: "Fuck dude! My bill came through today and so did all the money I spend over the weekend!"
Dude 2: "That was like 4 days ago! Fucking overdraft rip off!"
Dude 1: "Tell me about it... that burger ended up costing me $40..."

by Da Vin Chee January 13, 2010

28πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž