The rizzly bear is out for u
Dude, his eyebrow to eye ratio makes him look so rizzly.
Yeah, my girlfriend Zoie is rizzly as hell.
Used when you see your bro talking up a 10. Will give him the boost of confidence and the ladies will love it.
"YO!! I see you bro! Himmy Neutron where your Rizzly Oddparents!"
That guy that gots that dog in em!
That guy that pulls no matter what!
That guy who’s gonna fuck your dad, mom and wife then go on to say I wear the pants!
That mf with that rizz in em!
Coochie destroyer!
I’m that rizzly bear momma I got that dog in me!
I got all that rizz I am that rizzly bear!
That dude Isaiah pulls, he’s is the one and only Rizzly Bear