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road rules

1. A "reality" television show on MTV comprised of immature humans co-existing in the same enviroment who are barely old enough to drink alcohol responsibly and all act like thirteen-year-olds."

why the fuck are you watching road rules? if you watch it it's gonna stay on the air dummy.

by daequan July 21, 2003

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road rules

A show on MTV where a bunch of people go on these extreme trips and have to do stunts or they won't get their "hansom reward"

p.s. GIRLS some of they GUYS are HOTT!!! watch it!!

Did you see road rules last night? it rocked!!

by WhiteGirlWithaGHETTOazz August 1, 2003

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road rules

Shitty show on MTV

"Dude, did you see road rules?"

"No, I didn't dude. Faggots watch road rules!"

by nigga July 27, 2003

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road rules

Rules of the Road.

Red means go.
Green means fly off with a giant moustache with wings.
Do not kill others with your vehicle.
These are the road rules.

by Enter your name here August 2, 2003

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road rules

An MTV show that kind of copied Real World. It isn't really good. It's actually exactly like Real World but they actually DO STUFF there.

Road rules is a show.

by m e July 18, 2003

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road rules

a reality television show that originated on MTV that has 6 people live in a motor home, travel, and complete missions such as bungee jumping or eating bugs for money and prizes.

That guy Donell from the show "road rules" really sucks!

by stillettobob July 18, 2003

road rules

The common courtesies extended by drivers to one another; the ethics of the four-way stop; philosophy of turn signals

1. Man, he didn't even signal! Doens't he know road rules?
2. Bastard cut me off! Road rule-ingnorant $^#^%^!@

by Anonymous July 15, 2003