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One of the hardest sports in existence. Everything else is just a game. Rowing is not to be confused with sculling, in which each person holds 2 sculling blades compared to just one in rowing.
Rowing is about racing, mostly over 2000 meters. Boats can range from holding one sculler, to 8 rowers and a cox. The whole aim of a good rower is to get his blade into the water, pull as hard as he can and get the blade out again. He has to do this as efficiently as possible, ensuring his energy goes into making the boat move forward rather than slowing down.
The stroke a rower takes can be divided into seperate parts:
1. Back stops, where the rower is sitting back with the blade close to his body ready to move off, with the blade turned 45 degrees in relation to the water.
2. The arms move out to full extension.
3. The body leans forward
4. The legs compress moving the body up the slide until the shins of the rower are vertical. (this is called front stops)
5. The catch, where as soon as the rower reaches front stops the blade is placed in the water and pulled as hard as the cox tells you to.
6. Reverse the steps above with the blade in the water, bringing the blade back round to the body
7. The finish, where the blade is raised out of the water and feathered to lower air resistance, ready to start another stroke.
The rowing season essentially never ends, if the weather is bad outside we do ergo's and weights in the gym. Ergos are soul destroying hateful pieces of equipment. If possible stay well away from them.
However, rowing is the most rewarding sport, i got into the first 8 at school and now we are getting ready to race at Henley Royal Regatta. :D

Fat boy, pull harder you freeloader!! Rowing isn't the sport for you if you arn't willing to die for it!

by Mazdog118 June 22, 2006

328πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


Rowing is the toughest sport out there. A 2,000 meter race takes up as much effort and will and strength as 2 back to back football games and it only takes 6-7 mins. Next time you think your sport is hard, the athletes wake up at 4am sometimes to go to practice. In the winter they don’t get a break from rowing, no they erg (rowing machine) almost every day and do weights when they aren’t erging. Rowing not only takes extreme strength but also mental toughness to pull through even when your body is screaming at you. To increase your speed and lower your split instead of stopping when you have 250m left.

O: Hey what time is it?
T: It’s 4:45 I have to go to practice.
O: Rowing practice?
T: ya it’s gonna be hell

by Heyyyyyaaaaa November 19, 2018

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Rowing is a sport that originated in Europe. It has a strong following in Europe and only a moderate following in the United States. In the U.S. it is mainly a high school and collegiate sport. It is a very difficult, yet also very rewarding sport. That not only pushes the body, but also requires a lot of skill and know-how.

UConn has a sweet men's crew team. Yes, UConn has teams other then basketball. Check out the UConn crew team and learn more about rowing at www.ucmenscrew.com

by Hand of Death 5 April 15, 2006

160πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Only place in the world where you can love the system, love freedom, and love everyone without any effort.

Rowe is my home

by Worldwarthreeblues October 7, 2009

89πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


see crew for a better definition of the sport.

Rowing, the sport of the gods.

by 1337 |-|4x0|2 August 22, 2006

91πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


taking a extreme dosage of robotusin. cuases blurred vision, nusea, extreme weirdness, and lack of motor skills

Brittney: dude are you rowing?
Torrie: yeah
Michelle: im rowing on robo ((robotusin))

by Victoria Gogenhighmer February 18, 2008

120πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


the sport that never ends.

This sport in particular is a very time consuming one of which it will take up most of your week and free time. There are many different kinds of rowing,

The Eight: is when 8 men weilding single oars take control of a stern or bow side position in a coxin steered boat.
The Four: is when you only have four men driving the boat.
The Single Scull: A one manned boat requiring complete concentration with two oars one for each hand.

Regattas are the special occasions when the rowers congregate to a single location to row against each other for the worst 5 minutes of their life.

One training technique for the rowers is the Erg (Ergometer for long). This metal contraption evolved from the ancient torture devices of which the enemy would remove all skin from the victims hands and force them to row two thousand kilometers resulting in death.

It is believed that the Vikings were one of the many historical cultures of whom would row regularly through storms and oceans driving them bloodthirsty and ready to pillage the first town they would come accross.

Cmon boys get yer tape its rowing time!

by Quitz February 3, 2008

51πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž