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Ruptured Duck

A punk rock band from North West new Jersey. www.rupturedduck.bavehost.com

Jake: Dude, lets go to the show tonight!
Tim: Who's playing, man?
Jake: Ruptured Duck and X's For Eyes. It'll be fucking awesome!
Tim: Let's go, man.

by Sam Kling February 12, 2004

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Penile rupture

Where the penis is ruptured by extreme masturbation.

"My Penis is bleeding because of a "penile rupture"

by sphynctor December 8, 2009

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butt rupture

When your butt vibrates randomly

My friend had a butt rupture.

by Awesomegum May 13, 2017

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penis rupture

When your penis vibrate rapidly

I was having sex when i had a penis rupture

by Awesomegum May 13, 2017

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anal rupture

When someone has too much But sex that Their anus starts to bleed or that their Ass starts to hurt so much they can't sit.

Jack: "man my butt hurts so much doctor! I don't know why it hurts." Doctor:"have you had butt sex recently?" Jack:"yeah. Why?" Docter: "it seems you have an anal rupture

by The dank warlock July 15, 2017

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unicorn rupture sex

Unicorn rupture sex is when a male and female finally decide to have sex at the age of 2, the boys dick is a one inch wonder meaning that it doesn’t satisfy the girl at all, this leads to the girl getting moody and crawls to get a ruptured unicorn, this unicorn as a 69 inch one meaning it highkey prefers the unicorn, the boy gets jealous so he pushes in hard, he end up getting his leg stuck in there making foot babies

β€˜oh your so bad let’s have unicorn rupture sex instead!’

by 69wondermalonder October 27, 2017

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ruptured atf ligament

to tear the muscle or ligament around your ankle

She has ruptured atf ligament from playing roller derby, and is now in a cast.

by kinkerspaz March 11, 2010

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