As opposed to ordinary sanctions, kinetic sanctions are enforced by kinetic measures and often include explosions.
Ukraine introduced kinetic sanctions on russian oil refineries.
To be sanctioned in an orderly manner.
Before she surrendered to the all powerful supernatural God by adhering to the supernatural’s beckoning of her senses, she made sure to sanctionize herself well from other worldly spirits which is pretty much everyone, and made sure she had enough food and supplies to last her until she was in the next life.. sanctionized.
United States government sanctioned effeminate boys, used for military operation and/or civilian pleasure
"Do you want a government sanctioned weaponized femboy?"
Sanctioneers are people who are empowered by law to impose sanctions on others.
Job Centre Plus are Sanctioneers as they have the powers to sanction claiments they feel who are not meeting requirements in making efforts to find work. A sanction imposed by the Sanctioneers maybe the withdrawal or temporary withdrawal of Benefits.