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A stereotype.
It is based on people putting teens down for what fashion they like.
Everyone follows them...
but only "REAL SCENESTERES" know what its all about.
I wear skinny jeans and flats.
SO does that make me scene.
NO, i just like the clothes.
I listen to all kinds of music.
Does that make me a poser too?
You know,
People say SCENE kids all look alike.
So do you and the people you hang out with.
Sterotypes are dumb.
AND usually biased.
You guys should really get a life.

dont hate cuz your not as fashionable as me.
dont be a player hater.

by Elizabeth*Marie June 3, 2007

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someone who is scene has new original fashion sense and hates to be like anybody else. However, this is a contradiction in itself as most scenesters all look the same and wear the same clothes. A true scenester does not know they are "scene" therefore anyone who claims to be scene is, quite frankly, not.

Fake scenester: "Hey dude I'm so scene, its just completely rad."

Person: "But dude how do you know?"

Fake scenester: "Because I just like blatantly am. I totally heart polka dots."

Person: "Fake titwank."

by sallyyes June 2, 2006

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People who follow some sort of trend, usually music-related fashion. For a scenester, it's not about meaning or substance, it's about appearance.

"Emo", Indie, and Punk have a lot of scenesters.

I saw two scenesters walk into the supermarket today. They weren't together, but they both had the same hair cut, tight pants, the same studded belt, and a parent's credit card.

by iam rght February 13, 2006

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The only group of people that I despise more than emos. They are pretty much emos really...the only difference is that they try to be happy and emos do not. It is pretty much a standard that a scenester has a myspace with over 500 friends, 1000 comments, a never ending supply of random pictures of them that have been altered in some way (i.e turning up the contrast so that it's really bright and disguises blemishes.), and around 60 to 70 comments on said pictures on average. They are also total whores when it comes to myspace. Another thing that is required by a scenester is to <3 dinos and robots x some random and very large number becuase it's the trendyXcore thing to do. If that wasn't stupid enough, they also have a penchant for saying "fosho", "&&", "luff", "sup nigz", "cunt", and a good number of other fucktarded words and phrases. Scenesters also have very poor tastes in music such as Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic At The Disco, Motion City Soundtrack, Taking Back Sunday, Yellowcard, etc. In other words, complete shit. You can pick a scenester out easily. First, they all have a shittily home done hair cut that is choppy and is usually dyed black with like 5 to 10 other random (usually bright/neon) color streeks. Second, they almost always wear some sort of stupid vintage tee. Third, and last, they most always hang out in a med. to large group because they are pussies. Oh and yeah this shit is true, because I do know some scenesters in real life. They are really like this. FUCK SCENESTERS AND ALL OF THEIR PUNK BITCH SHIT!

Me: "I see that you have a Led Zepplin shirt on..."
Scenester: "They are my fave band! They are hardxcore x1043698763, fosho!"
Me: "Right.....name a song by them then."
Scenester: "well...uhhhh....ummmm....smells like teen spirit?"
Me: "You are fucking stupid."

by Senator Assface August 27, 2006

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Scene/ Scenester / Scene Kid is a person who is associated with the MUSIC SCENE, usually being hardcore/punk rock type music. Pays close attention to the latest fashion trends and usually tries to make it their own. Usually has a myspace featuring dinosaurs guns etc. Sometimes they are very elitist especially to youths who copy their personal styles.

Apearence: Tight band shirts, shirts with random pictures on them like bright dinosaurs and guns, tight girl pants, bandanas around neck and wrists, converse or skate shoes, choppy self-cut hair many times dyed/streaked, hoodies, no hats, bright colors, piercings, www.hottopic.com for most scene clothing examples

Music: Scenesters /Scene Kids are all about the music! they LOVE music with a PASSION and know tons of underground bands and listen to almost anything as long as its not too "mainstream" or too "pop/country"

Attitude: Scenesters /Scene Kids are very happy, have very high self-esteem, are very RANDOM, care alot about personal appearance, are very social, and are very stuck up, and love random things like dinasours and robots, guns and stars and whales, mudkips

Activities: Shows/Parties/Myspace where they have tons of friends, finding new music

Negativity1: Many Scenesters /Scene Kids are said to be posers, lack originality, try-hard to look like their favorite band. BUT you can say the same for ALL stereotypes, the hiphop, punk, goth, metal, jock, prep, harajuku, weeaboo, furry, pretty much any fashion following stereotypes out there

Negativity2: Others mistake Scene for Emo but they are NOT the same. Emo kids are so sad to the point of killing themselves or atleast act like it. and Emocore don't wear girl pants

ScenesterSchelle: SUP NIG
Anonymous: So i herd you liek MUDKIPS
ScenesterSchelle: OMFG you know i am nigga. UR so radd. (:

by lance iss anonymouse March 8, 2007

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Someone that acts as a sheep and follows the general crowd, or scene. The popular scene at the moment is emo, and many can be found roaming the streets of England's towns and cities, like a giant army of long fringed clones, shouting "MCR ROCK!", "I <3 Gerard Way" and "The world hates me and i hope i die soon"

Hey scenesters, hey hey scenesters! You are all in trouble now, Someones gone and copied now.

by Luke Bolton April 3, 2006

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okay, I usually want to make my definitions pretty unbiased (if that's even a word). In the case of the word scene, though, I do not feel like I am being biased when I define it the way I do because I feel like being scene is, overall, a pretty negative thing. Anyway...

Scenester: A person who is scene, obviously. The basic goal of a scenester is to be non-conformist, and in order to do that, they conform to the scene style. In other words, they are a complete and utter poser. Typical scene style and behavior consists of:
-short, choppy, black hair (this is a must for males and females), often with a stripe or chunk of an unnatural color or bleach.
-band shirts, generally emo bands
-skinny jeans for girls, girls jeans for guys
-Converses or Vans
-bright colors paired with black
-polka dots
-dinosaurs, robots, or other kiddyish fantasy-type ideas
-girly ribbons for girls
-Myspace account, with tons of pouty pictures at weird angles
-typing (and often talking) with weird phrases, like HARDXCORE, KTHNXBAI, and others

The number one trick to being scene, though, is to deny that you are scene, because even though you know you are, you're supposed to think labels are for soup cans.

Scenester: Hey, look at my new polka-dot dinosaur t-shirt and hair that I cut myself last night while blindfolded! I am so hardxcore.
Normal Person: You're such a scene poser, go a away.
Scenester: I am SO not! Besides, labels are for soup cans. kthnxbai.

by Katinthehat April 26, 2007

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