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Soooo fucking high you can’t move your sooo fucked up and gonna die llll I’m high as fuck while typing this and I might green out holy shot

Omg guys I’m fucking schmacked yoooo

by Shdhdjdjdjxjxdnjddjdjdjdjdjxj September 19, 2020

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Past Participle
Beat (past tense) somebody really badly in a game or activity (especially sports).

Who tryna get schmacked in Clash (of Clans)?
Damn...Collin was playin' Smash 4 with Kyrie last night and that nigga got SCHMACKED
You playin 3 on 3? Boy if we go full court you finna get schmacked

by Air-Dried Conditioner December 12, 2017

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poop schmack

known as the splashing of water on or around the area of your ass when taking a heavy, torpedo-like shit into a toilet that contains water.

"Man, I caught some vicious poop schmack off of that stink ball!!!"

by Vulgardefmaker January 18, 2008

smok schmacked

After you hit your 50 nic smok and feel schmacked, thus leading to the feeling of being smok schmacked

Damnnnn bro I just got smok schmacked

by slumptedsara April 27, 2019

Schmack City

"Schmack City" is a term, often used in the SF Bay Area as an adjective meant for describing food in a good way. "Schmack" or "Schmackin'" is a short form of it which just means delicious or amazing. The "City" part comes in to amount the level of "Schmack." So when it is being said with the city, it is saying that the food's deliciousness can compare to that of a city.

This food is hella Schmack City. Schmack City all day.

by Jholt April 30, 2014

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Vim Schmacked

A drunken typo of the expression "I'm schmacked", which is referring to being very fucked up on alcohol or xanax. When at a party, one will shout "Vim schmacked", or "I'm vim schmacked", to let the others know how fucked up he/she is. "Vim" is often used as a stand alone term for drinking and becoming intoxicated, and can be alternated into terms such as "Vimmy", or "Vimmer".

Shaan: Wanna come to the party on my boat tonight? I'm gonna be vim schmacked.

Rammer: No thanks man, my brother is having a banger in his garage, my levels of vim will be through the roof.
Shaan: Real shit?

by CONFBOYS August 15, 2017

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donkey schmack

Smacking someone so hard they yelp like a donkey

Yesterday I donkey schmacked my friend and he cried

by cocomustard July 22, 2006

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