Aka. P.C.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who does want and or has children
Kendra is only interested in sleeping with people who have kids. She has a pro-child sexual preference.
aka. P.A.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people of the same political identity as they are
Joana is a Democrat who has a politically aligned sexual preference; meaning she is only sexually attracted to people who also identify as being democrats.
Aka. R.A.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who practice same religion as them
Janice is a devout Catholic and she is only sexually attracted to people who also actively practice Catholicism. She has a religiously aligned sexual preference.
aka. P.C.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who support political parties whose beliefs fall on the same side of the political spectrum as the political party they support
Maria identifies as being a supporter of the Republican party, she is sexually attracted to other people, but only if the political party they support identifies as being a right-wing political party, like hers is. She has a politically consistent sexual preference.