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To take a shit that smells like vomit.

"I don't know what Bill in accounting ate last night but the entire 3rd floor now smells like shomit!"

by Professor Heinstein April 13, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Violent, nauseating bowel movements, often ending in dry heaves of the rectum, usually following a night of heavy drinking, and preceded by almost the exact same symptoms that occur before vomiting. (sweating, excessive salivating, dizziness, and the general feeling that you're going to die.)

Fred: Oh man, I feel like crap. I'm too old to be drinking like that.

Tracy: Yeah, man. You're looking a little green. You'll probably feel better if you puke.

Fred: I wish! Unfortunately I think I'm going to shomit. You got an extra roll of toilet paper and some preparation H?

by Choolie213 December 9, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A color that represent the color of shit and vomit.

The leaves on the tree are the color of shomit.

by APM1011 September 19, 2019


when you simultaneously shit and vomit

danny devito sashayed in and i was literally about to shomit

by dannydevitoes October 17, 2019


When you shit and vomit at the same time.

I was feeling seeing so i went to the toilet and shamit(past perfect of shomit) myself instead of just vomiting.

by Galgor November 15, 2019


The result of heavy drinking and deep sea fishing. This combination creates a violent abdominal flex. The moment of Shomit, is when a body becomes so tense it then exceeds the max PSF your body can handle, then the fun begins at both ends.

Steve was at a fast pace of consuming drinks while on a fishing trip. He then started to vomit over the side of the boat and proceeded to defecated in shorts at the same time. To sum it up in one word, Shomit .

by dg40period April 12, 2017


When someone shits and vomits at the same time.

He was sitting on the toilet and had a shomit.

by Spicysauceboss November 15, 2019