Source Code

Grabley Skun

A sicko demented twisted sex game from Iceland. Things needed are: rope, dog chewy toy, WD_40.

Daddy's got a sweet tooth, so Momma better be in the mood for some Grabley Skun.

by Arghlop Ghole June 18, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grabley Skun

A Norse sex game.

It smells like someone been up to some Grabley skun in here.

by Thomas Jennings June 27, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skun bong

If spongebob was a crack addict he'd be named skun bong

Panflicked: Yo skun bong whats up
Skun bong: *L A R G E S N O R T* aaaAAAAAAAAHHHHH

by ValandSkull2idiots January 25, 2021

Skun Shanniz

A poorly groomed virgina. Untidy.

Last night at the disco I hooked up with this chick and jeez she had a skun shanniz!

by Northern Rock August 13, 2022

Big skuns

When the booty of a female is big

Damn look at that girl she got big skuns

by Roadrunna._s1 April 28, 2022


Once upon a time,Aku,king of da chat wrote skun as a response in his classroom and thus the tale of skun began.


by Aku2baller December 23, 2020


To be munted or gurning.

Fuck lad Donny had 10 pingas last night her was so skun.

I was so skunned out last night.

Did you take 3 pingas? Yeah mate got a bit of skun situation here.

by bigwhopperwhopwhop May 14, 2018