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A promotional offer abuser. Someone who takes advantage of a pricing error or finds away to take advantage of an offer multiple times.

'We put an offer out on the website but all the slags came in to take advantage'
'Close that customer's account. He is just a slag.'

by Big Davie 2 July 13, 2018


a woman that fucks behind her partners back with numerous men, with no feeling what so ever for the people she is hurting.

you are nothin but a fuckin slag claire.i hope you catch syphilis because it will probably make your stinking gash smell better

by unknown December 11, 2003

989πŸ‘ 759πŸ‘Ž


Unpog little cunt

β€œChloes a slag,it’s been 5 weeks since you broke up and she’s already fucked someone”

by Zehson February 13, 2022

39πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


a word used against women/girls by men/boys to insult.
it basically means someone who has slept around alot or has done other sexual things, people often use this in irrelivent situations, by saying it to someone who isnt a slag at all.

person one - i shagged him last night
person two - you slag!

by anymous :) May 29, 2010

85πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


Slang that orginated from the show "Batman Beyond" to mean exhausted.

Fuck all this homework man I'm slagged

by Ron Jeremy October 9, 2004

62πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


a buster-ass chick. Sighting a slag is never pleasant and destroys any good vibes. Slags are generally cock-hungry and persistent.

damnit! How does Lisa find us wherever we go? She's such a slag! I feel like I'm going to throw up when she's around. Well... at least Jonny'll FUUUUCK 'ER!

by Drew Rosenhaus August 10, 2007

456πŸ‘ 400πŸ‘Ž


To insult and bad mouth

Those guys keep slagging me off

by beef curtains April 19, 2003

398πŸ‘ 353πŸ‘Ž