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The combined simultanous occurrence of a sneeze and a cough, which is usually expelled through the mouth.

I was sitting down to eat my sandwich at lunch time when my co-worker came over and snoughed all over my balogna sandwich and my snack-pak thus completely ruining my lunch.

by Russ the Buss April 18, 2007

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Sneeze-cough: the power of a sneeze and cough combined.

Man 1: "SN-OUGH!"
Man 2: Bless you
Man 1: Oh, that wasn't really a sneeze, it was more a cough. Actually, I think it was both. Let's call it a "snough".

by scheurbert October 23, 2009

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A painfull combo of a sneeze and a cough

That fuckin snough killed!!!

by Leia Nelson May 26, 2005

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a cough-sneeze

MB "heard that!"
MB LC "my cough?!? it sounded like a sneeze, right?"
MB "total poof sneeze. It wasn't?"
MB LC "It was a snough"

MB "a snough?? Best word of all time. a snough!!"

by Monster B October 12, 2011

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a cross between snacking and chowing down on food.

We were just snoughing down on some subway.

by superurbanstar November 21, 2009

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When you sneeze and cough at the same time.

"Excuse me, I just snoughed."

by Mightymouse1971 February 9, 2023


when ur sick af and u feel a sneeze coming so u cover it with ur sleeve and then let rip a sneeze that sounds deceivingly like a cough. could lead to an awkward situation thereafter with excessive phlegm

*Joe just taking notes in class*
Joe: *makes gross snough noise*
Andy: uh bless you
Joe: thank you
Joe: *to himself* fuck there's so much phlegm on my sleeve this is so bad did anyone see it lemme just play this off like nothing happened
Tim: *to Richard* Joe's such a loser was that a cough or a sneeze

by silverfox6969 April 13, 2017