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sono Jordan

A rising commentary channel

Sono Jordan is my favorite commentary channel

by Maggot1995 August 18, 2022

sono chi no sadame

A word that is used in anime.
pronounced while shouting.
also epic.
such meme much learn.

sono chi no sadame!!! jooooo jo

by dsadwefwefwq March 14, 2017


Sono's have a small penis and a very big belly. They heve long black hair and look like Tarzan. Most Sono's are pussys
It's a rare creature

Mats: is that a sono??
Michel: yes and he gives small pp vibes
Mats: what a pussy

by TheTarzan April 30, 2021


This word can be used in almost any phrase as a filler. It’s not exactly a stand alone kinda word because it needs other words to make it work. Using it alone sounds like Durka Durka, which only works in silly movies with puppets.

Person 1: hey you sono fa gun.
Person 2: I don’t like you, you sono fa dog.

by Yuengling drinker May 8, 2019