Source Code

spiritus raptus

Spiritual rapture:

1- an expression of passion or ecstacy.

2- the overwhelming emotions resulting from a devine or spiritual encounter.

3- a euphoric / mystical state of being.
see: Sartre's definition of being, ref: Being and Nothingness c. 1965

4- the final assumption of Christians into heaven but only after Satan routes the internal organs out of the films heroine (see: End of Day's) with his (totally circumsised) disembowling / glass shard spiked, strapped on (or not) man's man tool of an angelic Lardon! (see: Lardon)

see: End of Day's again (sober)

see: The Devil's by Ken Russell (not sober)

Note: SR is not to be associated with, but is somewhat similar to; huffing on nitrogen gas.
Do not see: huffing (it's played)
see: nitrogen narcocis, weeeeeeeeeeee! (to be thoroughly explored intellectually)

Mary (from Nazareth High School) had experienced the spiritual rapture in coupling with her boy Joey from Brooklyn. *Spiritus raptus my dick, yo!

by Rono January 29, 2007

1666πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

spiritual rapture

spiritus raptus:

1- an expression of passion or ecstacy

2- the overwhelming emotions resulting from a devine or spiritual encounter.

3- a euphoric / mystical state of being
see: Sartre's definition of being, ref: Being and Nothingness c. 1965

4- the final assumption of Christians (oh shit, not another) into heaven
see: End of Day's: but only after Satan routes the internal organs out of the films heroine with his (totally circumsised) disembowling / glass shard spiked, strapped on (or not) man's man tool of an angelic Lardon! see: End of Day's again (sober)
see: The Devil's by Ken Russell (not sober)

Note: SR is not to be associated with, but similar to huffing on nitrogen gas.
don't see: huffing (it's played),
see: nitrogen narcosis weeeeeeeeeee! (to be thoroughly explored)

In the preparation of Jesus, Mary had experienced the spiritual rapture in coupling with her boy Joey from Brooklyn. *spiritus raptus my dick, yo!

by Rono January 20, 2007

1720πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

Spiritual Sequel

A spiritual sequel, sometimes called a spiritual successor, is a successor to a video game, movie, novel, comic, stage play, or television mini-series. Instead of being a standard sequel, spiritual successors share genres, themes, styles, and often developer teams, without continuing on a previous story. While this term can apply to almost any content, it has most commonly been used in video games.

Bio Shock is the spiritual sequel to System Shock.

by Jon Mcccc December 8, 2007

23πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Spiritual Bypassing

The strategy of using spiritual beliefs to avoid facing one's unresolved wounds or unmet needs. A form of avoidance and resistance, the shadow side of spirituality, and the opposite of authenticity. Spiritual Bypassing teaches us to run away from our problems.

1) Just Be Positive (renders shadow work impossible)
2) Blind Compassion (confrontation-phobic attempt at caring)
3) Pathologizing the Ego (the ego as an obstruction, something to be eliminated)
4) Non-Duality (removing everything uncomfortable to avoid in-depth psychological work)
5) Transcendence (escapism)
6) Magical Thinking (giving unwarranted weight to coincidence. Ex: "everything happens for a reason", over-reliance on "signs")
7) Blame Game (the opposite of self-empowerment)
8) You're Just Projecting (say this to avoid responsibility for your own behaviors)
9) Avoidance of Anger (a tendency to shun or repress the healthy expression of anger in the guise of spiritual correctness)
10) Wishful Thinking (the persistent avoidance of professional clinical attention in favor of spiritual solutions that do little to address core wounding)
11) Karmic Contract Bypass (a tendency to attribute every single event on the planet to universal or soulular intentionality)
12) Short-Cutting (disguised as permanent solutions to circumvent necessary arduous and time-consuming inner-work)
13) All is One (remaining perpetually focused on unity in an effort to avoid one's particular issues and challenges.

Jill: "Sarah is going to another Love and Light workshop next week."
Beth: "Again? Isn't that the tenth time this year?"
Jill: "Yeah, she said it makes her feel good."
Beth: "If it's so good, then why does she need to keep going back?"
Jill: "It's spiritual bypassing. She's not ready to do the deep inner work yet, so she avoids it by doing all those Love and Light trainings all over the world."

by Dr. Carey Perkins January 12, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening refers to a shift in consciousness, an apperception of reality which had been previously unrealized. The culmination of such realizations is in the recognition of oneness with all of existence.

Over the course of human history there has existed a timeless wisdom - a deep and profound realization of the ground state of being; the unconditioned source of all existence.

Over time, many great teachers have come to embody this wisdom, some of note include Jesus (the Christ), Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), Lao-Tzu, and Krishna - though there have been many more.

The core message has been the same, that absolute truth is beyond all the concepts and beliefs of man, that underlying apparent differences is fundamental oneness, and that your true nature is whole, unbounded and everlasting.

All form arises from pure potentiality; the sages referred to this as emptiness, the Tao, Brahman, Allah, God - while science may refer to it as the implicate order or the zero point field.

By any name, the words point to an intangible energetic essence that transitions from possibility and timelessness to actualization, where experience occurs through the rich diversity of form.

cited by the author from www.ispiritualawakening.org

To say that you've had a spiritual awakening is a bit of an oxymoron, the 'you' is exactly what vanishes.

To be on a path to spiritual awakening is more accurate.

by Anshin January 3, 2013

141πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Spiritual Awakening

What you call "your life in this world" is a mere superposition of the life of a human being on top of your Self. As a result, you are prevented from remembering your true identity and tricked into believing that everything that happens to that human being is really happening to you.

The effect is very much like one of those shows where images and sounds are projected on the facade of a building, creating the illusion that the building is actually changing or crumbling. The projected images and sounds are not real, only the underlying building is. But the illusion is so compelling that it makes you doubt your senses.

Similarly, "your life in this world" is such a compelling illusion that you lose awareness of your underlying true Self. Nevertheless, being the only real part of the illusion, you will emerge unscathed and shining in all your splendor once the show is over, just like the buildings on which those images are projected.

Spiritual awakening is the uncovering of this illusion and the discovery of your Self while still in this life.

Unfortunately, very few people ever experience a moment of spiritual awakening

by fcrcf November 2, 2015

55πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Spiritual enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment is the discovery of a whole dimension of yourself hidden in plain sight that you had never experienced before: your true Self. This dimension is not perceivable with the senses because it’s not within the field of your awareness. Instead, it is the source and ground of your awareness itself.

Therefore, you can’t know this dimension with the mind. You can only know it by being it, which activates a dormant cognitive device far superior to the mind. This is achieved by forgoing all mental distractions and allowing every bit of your awareness to return to its source. Because when the full weight of your attention rests idly on its ground, a sinkhole opens up into this dimension and you become your true Self.

The inexpressible knowledge that you gain by being your Self is so astonishingly clear, certain, and revealing that it blows your mind and shatters all your previous ideas and conceptions of reality. This knowledge affords a vantage point from which you realize that while everything that you perceive (i.e. your mind, your body, and the entire physical universe) is transitory and ephemeral, your true Self exists absolutely, beyond time and space, always here and always now.

Furthermore, being your Self brings with it an unshakeable state of peace and fulfillment that is completely indescribable; a glorious state in which being, knowing, and loving are one and the same. Because in that state, all is one, and your Self is all that exists.

A: Yesterday I reached spiritual enlightenment.
B: What do you mean?
C: I mean that I realized who I AM.

by fcrcf September 12, 2015

46πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž