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Disparaging term for black people; used because during afternoon hours their darker skin tone blends with the darkness of the night, leaving only the whites of their eyes visible, thus resembling a ghost.

circa mid 1900's

Well shucks dad, I was going to walk Shelly home but there were spooks all up and down the cul de sac.

by Tark Mwain May 13, 2005

617πŸ‘ 315πŸ‘Ž


A racist term used towards black people. Spook, as in "ghost", originated due to the difficulty of seeing black people at night.

Try to avoid dark alleys. You might not see the spooks waiting to rob you.

by hamsterdegu May 19, 2010

130πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


Racial term for an African American male that is often used to describe a feeling of disgust, anger, frustration, and the like.

See also - Jig, Nigger, Coon, etc.

I bet that damn spook stole my radio.

by SmoothWalker July 22, 2005

965πŸ‘ 591πŸ‘Ž


One who imitates their own enemies way of life.

Bitch, stop spooking your hater… she’s spooking YOU!!!!

Don’t hate the game, hate the spook!

The one who hates you… spooks you.

Nan’s be spooking.

by Gay Duo May 17, 2021

44πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


to stalk, check-out, creep, watch, look at.

John: Have you seen the new girl at school?
Pablo: No, what's her name? I'm gonna go spooking on her facebook.

Sarah: Did you see that guy spooking on you when we passed by?
Jane: Wow. What a creeper.

by spooksterPRO August 18, 2010

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


when the skeletons start to move around in october and start dooting you with their trumpets and spooking you till you get so spook that the skeleton in you start to doot too.

spooker: *doot doot*
me: ah, spooky

by Spoopy Chicken October 3, 2018

50πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


One of the many synonyms for nigger

Me: Hey spooky
Black Guy: what the fuck homie don't be hatin' G!

by NaziHayden April 10, 2006

761πŸ‘ 516πŸ‘Ž