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A stoner is someone who likes the smoke from the sacred herb.

Stoners of the world unite.

by DeRez September 9, 2004

2599๐Ÿ‘ 723๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having the title of a stoner can only truly be recieved by someone who has made blazing a part of their life. A stoner has one true love which is herb and will blaze all day everyday with his crew or whoever else wants to join. Someone who is carefree and just goes with it. Most true stoners have an outlook on life which is enlightened and can see how others are obessed worthless things like money,clothes,cars,etc.

Kid-"Should we go to the football game this weekend or go to the mall?"


by Jon44442220000 October 25, 2008

107๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who writes on urban dictionary

Over 100 stoners have written the definition of the word "stoner" on urban dictionary.

by youtube.com/droompa May 19, 2008

215๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


Simply put, someone that likes to smoke pot. A lot. Pretty much that's all they spend there money on but that's okay, cause they don't care. Not at all addicted to weed. Just like the feeling. No one calling themselves stoner should be taken seriously. A real stoner can easily be spotted because they're just chilled out people. Like sitting around and talking. Joking, listening to music, jamming out. Stoners are people that, through whatever experiences and influences they've had in life, find that they don't need money to be happy. That the best stuff is free. They also feel that smoking bud is the perfect way to relax and enhance what they'd be doing if they were sober. Maybe watching TV or just skating around. Stoners appreciate and respect those that do not smoke but don't look down on them for doing it. They will always offer but will never bother non-smokers. Why offer? Because it's just the way it is. Bud's meant to be offered, almost as one would offer a drink to a guest or a seat. Very loose and uninhibited. Very loving and not afriad to admit it. Homophobia, sexism and racism just don't mix with stoner culture because it doesn't make sence. How can a black, or a jew or a woman or a gay be too much different. If they're fun to talk to and cool to blaze with, fuck, they're the same as them. Lots od stoners have little motivation for success. Nothing is wrong with this but if it gets in the way of a stoners happiness than they are not a true stoner because a true stoner does whatever makes them happy and if smoking pot and lacking occupation no longer brings them joy and entertainment than they would know it's time to make a change. To smoke with a stoner is fun because there is no pressure. Stoners love to be the one to get someone high for the first time because they feel that they are sharing a gift with he/she who is experiencing marijuana for the first time. The only thing to remember when smoking with a stoner is that they hold certain rules sacred. They will understand if it was an accident or you didn't know, but to purposely break the rules for personal gain is a slap in the face to them.
1. If there's enough weed, everyone gets greens. Starting with those who paid for it, he who brought the piece, etc.
2. No one gets skipped
3. If you have weed of your own, you MUST match
4. Constant smoking of people's bud but never paying will make people not wanna smoke you out so pitch in 5 once in a while
5. Be careful w/ people's pieces. NEVER break one
6. Don't hit it harder than you can handle and cough up and waste poeple's bud
7. Don't be sketchy. You'll either get people caught or annoy them with your paranoia
8. Don't brag about being high or having smoked. It's not cool to brag.
9. Never bring an uninvited guest or guests to someone else's house to smoke someone else's weed unless you know they're cool with it
10. Don't kill other poeple's highs

Smoked two bowls to the dome, a blunt w/ the homie and now I'm sitting at Spruce Skatepark, chillin w/ buds, playing my acoustic guitar just relaxing. People say I'm a stoner and if this is being a stoner whatever, I'm down

by PoFuzzPo July 3, 2007

152๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stoner: being a stoner is more than just being a frequent user of marijuana, however, do not undermind the fact that a stoner loves and cherishes his or her weed profoundly. A stoner simply isnt a person who enjoys smoking weed. To be a stoner requires dedication. Being a stoner implies family like relations to any other person partaking in the act of inhaling such a beautiful substance.
For example:
When two aquaintences who have in the past had disagreements and constant arguements join together for their one sacred passion; all their previous thoughts of hatred toward each other dissintegrate, for they are both participitating in perhaps the only thing that brings true peace between our brothers and sisters. For those few solitary moments they are one and all negative outlooks and opinions do not exist.

A true stoner would give up his spot in the rotation, for he or she is generous and dont mind sacrificing their immediate high; for they know that no matter what they will get more pot and indulge in more of what brings them together.

A stoner isnt constricted to his marijuana. A stoner has a broad aspect on the entirety of the statement " getting f****ed up."

Although some stoners tend to be mooches; a stoner-friend will always repay with whatever he can. Karma applies in all ties of life.

A stoner would understand, appreciate, and have experienced exactly what was stated.

" My wonderful friends, Nick and Adam, are considered to be my stoner buddies; for they both know what its like to give, recieve, and get high"

by Joe Baxster February 27, 2006

756๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang/Street term used to define someone who enjoys smoking marijuana on a daily basis. The common stoner, contrary to popular belief of excessive laziness, trouble making, or having a negative impact on society. In reality the common stoner is none of the above, they are often friendly, laid back, and understanding.

traveler - hey can you tell me how to get to East 12th Street from here?
stoner - yeah man no problem, now all you gotta do is take a left at Knoxville, go straight about a mile then you will hit a stop light and if you went over railroad tracks you went too far man. Now when your at the stoplight take a right then the first left and your on east 12th street dude.
travelers wife - wow that man was really friendly.
traveler - yeah, i think thats what the kids today call a stoner.

by jamesNjosh January 9, 2008

79๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who thinks absolutely any problem, no matter how severe can be solved with THC.

Stoner John: I have multiple skull fractures, I need to see a doctor.
Mr Mush: Relax and hit this bong, you'll be fine. The best cure for a concussion is a little mushin'.

by Mr Mush July 11, 2008

118๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž