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street smart

street smart refers to things like learnt outside or formal education or books. It usaly means skills such as fighting well, knowing how to get around large cities, it can also refer to talking smart, knowing how to manipulate people and avoide bad situations. street smart's are the skills you are eith born with or learn through expericance. some people who are street smart are also intelligent but the two do not necerserily go hand in hand.

1. ted did really well in exams but he couldn't find things for shit he wasn't street smart he always got lost.

2. mike was street smart on account of the bar fight he got into when he lived in new york

by 09xuerebf February 19, 2010

134๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

Street Smart

A phrase dumb people use whenever they want to use the word "smart" to describe themselves.

Dave- Hey, have you read this book?
Mark- Naw man i'm street smart naw book smart.
Dave- You're a fucking dumbass

by sirius911 October 1, 2009

351๐Ÿ‘ 350๐Ÿ‘Ž

street smart

A phrase used by dumb and/or ignorant people that want to use the word 'smart' to describe themselves. These particular people tend to look down on intelligent people who actually put time and effort into learning to make their lives better. Basically used as an excuse for dumb people who don't value education and pursuing new ideas and don't understand that learning math and language skills give you a big leg up in the world.

"If you spend your life reading books, you aint gonna last in the real world. You gotta be street smart to survive."

"I don't have to learn nothing to survive. I'm street smart."

"I'm not book smart, I'm street smart."

by IamDBCooper June 4, 2014

52๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

street smart

A street smart person usually grew up in a shrewd environment. He/She knows the workings of the mind inside people who are less educated, and knows how to make the correct choices while in their presence.

Eminem, Makai Phipher, Me, Jennifer Lopez and Dave Chappelle are all of examples of people who are street smart.

by Haveaheart81 November 23, 2006

169๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž

street smart

the intelligence of approaching things stealthy to get one's way

not book smart

people smart

He's an underground winner, he seems to use his street smarts to succeed in life.

by Beantowner December 18, 2004

152๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž

Street smart

Absolute nonsense idiots use to feel better about themselves, or to brag when in reality they have literally nothing going on.
Used in place of actual logic or as the idiots using this teen call it "book smarts".

Idiot: hey that guy got an A on the test.
Person: yeah i heard that guy is actually really smart
Idiot: well book smarts don't mean anything in the real world, i have Street smarts... By the way this lemon is really sour, that's surprising.

by word adveruter April 7, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

street smarts

A dumbass's justification for why he sucks at life.

Dumbass Billy says, "I dun need no school, I have dun got street smarts."

by Adam Fuma August 1, 2004

194๐Ÿ‘ 256๐Ÿ‘Ž