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stupid fucking idiot


Woah that guy is a stupid fucking idiot

by Freebdoausboog June 28, 2021

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Stupid Fish Idiots

The official ship name of the characters Kappa and Siren from the web comic "Castle Swimmer" created by Wendy Lian Martin on Webtoon.

Person A: "Is the ship name of Kappa and Siren 'Kapprisen' or 'Karen'?
Person B: "Actually, Wendy said the official ship name was 'Stupid Fish Idiots'

by frogfish2.0 October 2, 2022

stupid fucking idiot

someone who is shit

Bahaha ckeck out that guy - he's totally Luke Comino

by Pope Don Paul II March 2, 2003

10πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

stupid fucking idiot

Luke Comino - someone who pretends to ride bmx and be a badass gangsta

"Luke Comino is a stupid fucking idiot"

by Pope Don Paul II March 2, 2003

7πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Stupid Fucking Idiot

a simpler way of telling the person that she is a Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid person that probably looks at a frog and fucking bites it thinking it's a hamburger before even thinking that it might be very dangerous to eat a "hamburger" that was stuck in a fucking tree IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST.
You goddamn piece of shit

Robert: ayooo just found chocolate icecream in the floor of your dog's little house, let't eat it
William: what the fuck Robert, you Stupid Fucking Idiot. that's shit, that's dog shit, how idiot can you fucking be you piece of shit, why would a chocolate icecream be lying on the floor of my dog's house you Neanderthal
Robert: eating the shit so it's not ice cream?

by HectorButWith"Vi"InsteadOf"He" May 28, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ill smack you stupid idiot ! Shut up!

What it says on the child's face in the ad which may or may not be at the top of this page.

What a stupid ad.

by Anonymous August 13, 2003

7πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

A fucking idiot stupid furry

an idiot stupid furry are people who dress up as animals and role-plays them and pretend to talk like them if you are furry then stop it because it’s just weird

A fucking idiot stupid furry go to role-playing conventions.

by Urbunking August 12, 2022