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fuck stutter

When someone loses the ability to think or complete a sentence without saying fuck a bunch of times.

Ahhh, that fuckin fuckin, ahh fuck that fuckin fuck fuck. FUCK!

by DO.g March 10, 2004

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Stuttering Pirate

A high level of alcoholic inebriation that causes the inebriated to close one eye and can only converse through stuttering.

No thanks on the shots of tequila if I drink one more I will become a stuttering pirate.

by Beef Swellington January 27, 2009

fuck stutter

The inablity to speak clearly when an individual nears climax.

"Whos yo Daddy Girl! WHo-o-o-os Y-y-yo Dad-d-d-y Ughhh..."

by OPi3 March 3, 2004

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Stuttering Stench

Stuttering stench refers to the morning after a heavy night on the sauce.....
Stuttering is when you are hanging so bad that you can't even string a sentence together, just a stuttering of rambling bullshit.... Stench is from the rancid farts caused by the intake of copious amounts of alcohol... alcohol removes bacteria from the inside walls of certain organs and when gas passes through your colon (shit passage) it picks up the loose bacteria and forces it out causing the most horrendous stench.... Also known as beer farts.

Person 1: "you were absolutely smashed last night"

Person 2: "I.... I.... I c..can't really r....remember anything" ***FART***

Person1: "For fuck sake! That stinks you stuttering stench!

by Lee Everette March 10, 2015

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

stuttering stanley

One who stutters. Originally used for Cole's teacher Mr. Cunningham in The Sixth Sense.

-You talked funny when you went to school here. You talked funny all the way to high school!
--Who have you been s-speaking to?
-Stuttering Stanley! Stuttering Stanley! Stuttering Stanley!
--Stop it, you f-... freak!

by CaptainSiberia July 3, 2010

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keyboard stuttering

Repeatedly attempting to correct a typo during a text chat, but then making the same typo.

Matt: Yo one T, any thoughts about my email this morning?
Mat: Yep, your mum is a slug.
Mat: *slug
Mat: slug
Mat: GAWD! I mean slag. Total keyboard stuttering.
Mat: But seriously, both work.

by WhiteLando October 21, 2013

texting stutter

When you try to type a word multiple times and you keep hitting the wrong letters and your auto-correct refuses to help you.

During texting:

Me: "deinstitutklajflk"
Me: "deinstidkjlakfl"
Me: "deinstitutionallkdjfioj"

Bob: Wow- what a texting stutter.

by unicorns4lyfe February 17, 2014