Source Code

Chicago Sunroof

The act of defecting through the sunroof of a vehicle.

One little Chicago Sunroof and suddenly I'm Charles Manson? --Jimmy McGill

by Simpkill February 16, 2016

46๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sydney Sunroof

The act of defecting through a vehicle sunroof in Sydney. It always rains shit in Sydney.

Old mate 1: Ya know dazza did a Sydney Sunroof to his landlords merc
Old mate 2: What a f***ing legend!

by heisenberg968949456 May 18, 2023

Jersey Sunroof

A visor. Basically a baseball cap without the top portion of the hat. Only acceptable when worn by football coaches, tailgaters, or beachgoers. Rocking a Jersey Sunroof is inappropriate while doing your leisurely day-to-day activities...outside of the above mentioned acceptable times/places anyone wearing a visor should be deemed an a**hole. Hence the name Jersey Sunroof.

Look at that meathead in the mesh tank top rocking the Jersey Sunroof!

by Chazillionaire December 12, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Philadelphia Sunroof

A variant of the Chicago Sunroof where the offender attempts to defecate onto the roof of an automobile without a sunroof. Typically characterised by doing so as aggressively as possible, as if in an attempt to create an opening in the vehicle's roof by sheer force.

Mac tried to give the guy a Chicago Sunroof, Saul Goodman style, but the car didn't have a sunroof to crap into. He just ignored it and kept going - he gave the guy a Philadelphia Sunroof instead.

by corvus gains June 5, 2023

Chicago Sunroof

The act of dedicating through the sunroof of a vehicle.

"Slipping Jimmy gave that prick a proper Chicago Sunroof for sleeping with his wife."

by bokonon82 April 7, 2015

99๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chicago Sunroof

The act of taking a shit in a car via the sunroof. To make this official, there must be kids inside but the act of doing must be done so without prior knowledge of anyone being present.

Jimmy McGill Chicago sunroofed a mustang. Unbeknownst to him, there were children present.

by Hotty McScotty McBoogerballs April 7, 2015

47๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jersey sunroof

A visor. (Baseball cap without a top)

(Usually at the beach or football tailgate) Nice rockin' the Jersey sunroof there buddy!

by chazillionaire December 2, 2007

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž