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superhero game

To go on a chat site and ask people at random for a superhero. You then proceed to find the most sexual definition and send it to them.

playing the superhero game on omegle is hilarious

by booblover5 May 30, 2011

Superhero Hezzy

It's about drive. It's about power. We stay Hungry. We devour. Put in the work. Put in the hours. And take what's ours

The best donny in the world is "Superhero Hezzy"

by Spirit Dabking November 16, 2021

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Superhero Stomp

Where a superhero smashes down dramatically, often landing in a kneeling position before rising to stand in front of the villian. Ususally used as a means of intimidation.

In Ironmanwhen he first travels back to confront his captors, he performs the Superhero Stomp. Or in Batman: The Dark Knight when he confronts the mobsters and imposters in the parking garage.

by I'ma_Lumberjack January 30, 2011

firefighter superhero

it happens when you're in da middle of climax, (u have 2b on the top, otherwise it can not happen "pendejos")then when u r about to cum, take out ur cock, grab a lighter and make a fire on her hairy pussy, then u spit ur baby yoghurt to stop the fire and ur girl has to say OH SHIT!! UΒ΄RE MY FUCKIN HERO!!!

yesterday i was feeling a lil bit useless, so i call my sexpartner and we did the firefighter superhero, man! she was so fuckin proud of me!!

by elen F July 12, 2008

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

superhero vagina

When the meat curtains are so ample, they resemble a superheros cape.

I was going down on her and my ears were kept warm because she had a superhero vagina.

by BBKKDRTJ November 11, 2021

masturbating superhero

What Batman does between the cartoonstrips.

Mike: Dude, this cartoon has a masturbating superhero in it.
John: What? Last week, it was lesbian Sailor Moons.

by Anal Violator October 21, 2003

52πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Unwanted Superheroes

Band from Florida. They are very great and I like their singer. he can go from nice singing to screams in a blink and then go back! I even bought their shirt. Please support them by buying merch and going to concerts.

Check them out here: http://www.ushrocks.com/v2/home.html
Or check their Purevolume

Unwanted Superheroes were hreat at Solid Sound Studio!!!

by Lilgoaliebro October 30, 2005

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