Source Code

Swee Yong

faggot, guy's name can fit any rhyming scheme like it's a fucking lego

"Hey have you seen Swee Yong?"
"You mean Swee Yong Bing Bong Long Dong Schlong Gong Gong? Yeah he's over there"
"Yeah that guy"

by Blodge November 11, 2021

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A psycho who enjoys making strange noises. Tends to whisper "bb" in your ear while you are sleeping.

"Hey have you seen Jay-Swee?"
"Not since he whispered into my ear last night"

by Water Appleton May 25, 2014


Weird kid who likes to talk about awkward things.

You're a swee-tub

by That one depressed kid June 5, 2017

Swee hee

Swee hee, a kind person who is oftenly dumbfounded herself.She aint sexy or anything, just cringe.A LARGE AMOUNT OF IT.

My girlfriend is a swee hee

by Verygud August 31, 2021

pree swee

Short for pretty sweet.
Meaning pretty cool, pretty nice, pretty killer.
Like awesome, but to a slightly lesser degree.

WR122 ONLINE STUDENT 1: "Do you like my response to Activity 6A2?"

WR122 ONLINE STUDENT 2: "Yes, it's pree swee!"

by spinlight February 11, 2006

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Swee's sister

-thick or thin always hot
-hot girl from yardley suburb

Damn Swee's sister is hot

by mark o'rear April 9, 2003

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Swee Bla Dook

SweeBlaDook is derived from the words Sweet Black Dooky, or what is known as the fecal matter that emanates from the buttocks of a beautiful young black female.

"Girl, the seat of your jeans smells like Swee Bla Dook, an' that's my favorite smell an' shit, know what I'm sayin' "?

by Nuggles November 19, 2010

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