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Swiggity Swag

Bad,Dirt,Low in THC, bud.

Damn we got this nasty ass swiggity swag.

by lil Elmo November 25, 2003

21๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

swiggity swooty commin' in for that booty

The action of an extremely smooth male picking up a female based solely on her posterior end.

Guy 1: "Look at that fine ass!"
Guy 2: "I'm gonna slide in, swiggity swooty commin' in for that booty."

by Wat's Brakin Beter October 2, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swiggity Swoggity Im coming for that booty

What a man will scream if he has seen a fine as(This may also include lesbians and gay men.
Not to be confused with pirates.

Swiggity swoggity Im coming for that booty

by Swedish anon September 5, 2018

swiggity swoogity i am coming for that booty

When Foxy runs he says this.

(Foxy runs down the hall) swiggity swoogity i am coming for that booty!

by ZzWatermelonJuicezZOnYt June 6, 2019


Alternative term for sex, or foreplay, or suggestion. Can be used in conjunction with "swooty" to imply stronger feelings.

"We did the swiggity. She did the swooty."

by Neiot July 21, 2021


Essentially meaning cool but more versatile
Everyone knows what you mean when you say it even if they haven't heard it before. It is also self-descriptive.

Person 1: "Hey, I got a new job! It pays so much better and I'm so much happier there."
Person 2: "Oh nice! That's pretty swiggity my guy."
Person 1: "Thanks m- swiggity?"
Person 2: "Yeah that new job sounds pretty swiggity."
Person 1: "I- that's fuckin awesome dude. I'm gonna use that. Swiggity."
Person 2: "Swiggity."
Person 1: "Swiggity."

by bigredsenft April 13, 2023

Swiggity Diggity

A large hot ass mixed alcoholic drink

EX: Rusty Nail

I'm just here for the Swiggity Diggity

by Dumbassg September 15, 2021