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talen kember

a gorilla with the largest cock known to mankind

"bro is a talen kember" says jamal

by harambe king of the jingle November 17, 2022

talen monster

a bird man that cheats on everyone he's with, and is far too ugly to cheat, or get any girls, and sucks at lacrosse.

damn he's so bad, he must be a talen monster

by William WONG January 23, 2007

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Talen skill issue

The definition of your friend who named talen who has a skill issue from sucking at everything

Bro cant believe talen skill issue sucks at Mario kart

by Thwomp skateboarder September 28, 2022

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No talen ass clown

Aaorn Maldonado

by Anonymous July 16, 2003

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Talen "Skill Issue" Chen

Name for a kid named Talen Chen who has a massive skill issue. He's going to read this definition and get mad. Skill Issue.

Talen "Skill Issue" Chen is mad that he lost, what a skill issue!

by Jacket_Pocketatiel October 7, 2022

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talen johnson

The best friend ever. He will always be by his best friends side in hard times. He has been bullied but is so strong and can fight through it because he is a warrior. A Talen is very nice and easy to talk to. Everyone secretly wants to be his friend. When he is bullied they are just jealous of him.

He is so nice he must be a Talen johnson.

by Madakenn March 15, 2016


Someone whose train of thought is almost never considered. Someone who loves their friends through thick and thin; regardless of circumstances. The epitome of a friend.

Person 1: "Wow, why is he checking his snapchat for nudes AGAIN?"

Person 2: "Oh, thats a Talen. His love language is gift giving and he just wants to know somebody loves him."

Person 3: "Those are his friends he's snapchatting though..."

Person 2: "He just got over a bad breakup and probably desires Eros or Storge, but he needs to re-learn Philia. Give him time, he's searching for good things in inappropriate ways."

by turtle-nation-of-turtledom January 10, 2023