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Tamagotchi effect

The term one uses when a person develops a strong emotional attachment towards a machine or a robot.

Jimmy was so upset when his furby died, he obviously was suffering from the tamagotchi effect.

by Pogoextreme November 12, 2021

661👍 117👎

tamagotchi girlfriend

Much like the infamous keychain virtual pets tamagotchi they are never happy no matter how often you drop everything to trend to their constant needs, and inevitably end up gone anyway, reminding you why you stopped playing this game before whilst you long to do it again.

Man, the last thing I need is another tamagotchi girlfriend, I have enough drama!

by cryptokid July 13, 2015

4👍 1👎


tamagotchi (Verb) to give someone just enough attention to stay interested in you without any actual effort on your part.

Yo Elise has been ghostin me for weeks! Then a thinking of you text! Tamagotchi much girl?!

by Trashcaneclair February 24, 2017


To be used as a virtual distraction while on dating sites by some one who never intends to meet. Much like the virtual pet from the 90s, your their play thing.

Girl 1: Omg this hot guy liked me on my dating app and we have been chatting for weeks!
Girl 2: Nice, get it girl! When are you hooking up?
Girl 1: He keeps saying soon...
Two weeks later...
Girl 2: Did you ever meet that hot guy?!
Girl 1: No, he just keeps talking to me but doesn't want to meet!
Girl 2: Wow he Tamagotchied you!
Girl 1: Ahh hell... but I like him!
Girl 2: Run...

by Damiadolly January 4, 2021