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tattered rags

very cool handmade one of a kind creepy as hell Rag Dolls.

WOW where'd you get that awesome doll? Why I got it from the Tattered Rags Dot Net website!

by hugefan August 16, 2006

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tatters deep

origin, northern england UK.

to have one's penis so far into something that only his testicles (tatters, (short for potatoes)) are showing. :)

" ooh eye! i'd love to get "tatters deep" into that fit bird!

by wormdogg February 5, 2010

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tatter tackle

A tatter tackle is when you walk up to someone and use your breasts to hit them and then try to knock them down.

natasha used her tatters to tatter tackle betty.

by Natalie Haywood November 19, 2007

tatter monsters

female breasts
area on a women's chest, their rack.
can be classified as good, bad, medium, or as some type of classification.
boobs that a woman has

Mike: How was the night with that girl last night, Bill? Did you have a good time with her?
Bill: It was a good time. She had nice tatter monsters that I couldn't keep my eyes off the whole night.
Mike: Sounds like a memorable night.

by JBreezy Gets Bitchez June 2, 2011

heiny tatterings

flirtatious way to talk about anal sex, refering to anal sex in a joking or serious manner

Hey what you need right now is some heiny tatterings to cheer you up!

by Scubagod October 26, 2006

tattered angel

an angel who has been through much, her wings are tattered and broken.

she was a beautiful angel, but harsh life broke her wings and she became a tattered angel.

by Ryck Dalvengyr February 8, 2013

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shatty tatters

n. another word for "shitty tities".

that chick has a great ass but shatty tatters.

by zck31 January 4, 2012