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someone that rubs their crouch in someone else's face , they can have underpants on, but most of the time there are no underpants.

"Hey! IF I have to tell you one more time, no teabagging tonight, you teabagger!"

by urmombix August 19, 2003

824๐Ÿ‘ 694๐Ÿ‘Ž


A douche who thinks he can impact the political discourse by waving a gun and holding up a bunch of racist, illegible signage.

Alternately, someone who puts his balls in another dude's mouth.

I just got teabagged on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse.

Teabagger's got some sweaty balls.

by msLaLa November 19, 2010

458๐Ÿ‘ 378๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Real Lamer, loser, idiot.
2. Watcher of FOX news (this definition may be redundant).

I guess I am a teabagger. I wanted to protest taxes, but just wound up with Dick Armey's balls in my mouth.

by roger the doger April 19, 2009

1148๐Ÿ‘ 989๐Ÿ‘Ž


You remember reading Animal Farm in school, the sheap chanting "Four legs good, two legs bad," as their two cents in any conversation, the kind of person who blindly accepts axioms given to them by anyone with a slightly higher social status but only if it already fits their limited world view. The kind of person who, even though they lack the inteligence to participate in a debate but never the less dominate by being the loudest person in the room. The kind of person who thinks that simply because everyone they know is like them, that they are represent everyone dispite the overwhelming proof that they are only about 12% of the general population, the same percentage of Americans who think that the world is flat and that they've been ubducted by aliens. The kind of person who will call anyone trying to help them a Nazi while themself using violence to try to force their political opinion, often going to terroristic extents. That's a teabagger.

I was walking to the library today when I saw a group of about 10 teabaggers protesting "Obama-care." One of them, a rather old and out of shape man, had a heart attack and one with a cell phone called 911, and talked to a government employee at the dispach who then send out an ambulence from a public, government funded hospital, to pick him up. Walking back that way I stopped and asked one how he was doing. She told me that they had stabalized him and he had been discharged without further treatment because his employer did not provide him with insurance and he wasn't old enough to qualify for medicare.

by Yeah-I'm-a-communist April 5, 2010

591๐Ÿ‘ 498๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A fascist right-wing conservative who opposes affordable healthcare by shouting at public gatherings.

2. A fascist conservative who protests living wages, affordable healthcare, and corporate accountability by dipping his nutsack into the mouth of another right-wing moron.

An avid teabagger, Larry Craig lowered his sweaty nutsack into Sean Hannity's open mouth while watching a replay of his Fox News show

by Keepitsane October 27, 2009

1424๐Ÿ‘ 1252๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the many uneducated and politically illiterate persons involved in the Tea Party movement in the USA.

Q: Did you see all those Teabaggers at the Sarah Palin rally?

A: Yeah, those guys are fuckin' idiots!

by Char-Heath February 20, 2010

728๐Ÿ‘ 634๐Ÿ‘Ž


A republican who:

1. Protests taxation WITH representation (just because you disagree with it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist)

2. Thinks colonial Americans were prophetic, just because they lived during an earlier time period

3. Falsely claims that the 2009 Teabagging Festival was "bipartisan"

4. Agrees with Joe the Plumber on most major issues

5. Agrees with Glenn Beck, but can't explain exactly what he or they stand for

6. Doesn't understand Constitutional law

7. Doesn't understand what democracy is

8. Blindly uses the words "socialism" and "communism" without knowing what the fuck they mean

9. claims not to be a republican

10. Criticizes democrats, even though their own party has been in office for the past 8 years

11. Thinks the GOP needs to be "more conservative" to get more votes

12. Will listen to every high school dropout before hearing the opinion of ONE intellectual

13. Believes that Fox News is "fair and balanced"

14. Claims to be independent, but certainly doesn't have any liberal beliefs, and listens to guest speakers from the CPAC conference

15. Is a closet anarchist/Paultard

16. Thrives on a mob mentality

17. Prides himself/herself on doing everything he/she has made fun of when Bush was in office

18. Says things like "Where's MY bailout" without understanding how the economy works

19. Like Glenn Beck, has an extremely high word-to-meaning ratio

20. Uses TONS of words from the GOPAC memos of 1990

21. Thinks Russia is still a "threat" to the U.S.

22. Thinks China is still a "threat" to the U.S.

23. Thinks Cuba is still a "threat" to the U.S.

24. Thinks Europeans hate living in Europe

25. Doesn't believe Obama's actual birth certificate is real, but has no problems with McCain's ties to the Iran-Contra Affair or the Keating Five

26. Would rather have the GOP tell them which hole they can put their own DICK into, than raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans from 36% to 39%

27. Doesn't realize that they actually benefit from the stimulus package

28. Is only teabagging because Sean Hannity told them to

29. Says they like books by Ayn Rand, but cannot correctly pronounce her name

30. Gets their information from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Google searches, YouTube videos, partisan blogs, and Wikipedia

"No taxation without representation!"

--"Um, wasn't Barack Obama DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED?"

"Well, yeah..."

--"And didn't he win fair and square?"

"Well, ACORN..."

--"Where did you learn about ACORN?"

"Um, Michael Savage said..."

--"Didn't Michael Savage also say that most autistic children are just 'putzes' who need to shut up?"

"Yeah, but..."

--"And how's the stock market doing today?"

"It's soaring." :(

--"It is, isn't it?"


--"Now what did you learn?"

"Don't be a teabagger on national TV until I have proof that Obama's economic policy has actually done some damage."

--"That's right, and it hasn't yet, has it?"

"No." :'(

by jrappa May 5, 2009

1843๐Ÿ‘ 1694๐Ÿ‘Ž