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The inability to abide by unwritten telephone etiquette.

Could also refer to technology deprived older peopleโ€™s inability to operate modern smart phones.

"Sandy hung up on me! She's so telepathetic!"

Grandma's measage : "Could you please bring us a juicy dick?"

"I mean duck, damn auto-erect"

"Shit, Gran is REALLY telepathetic!"

by IcySpeedQueen January 24, 2014

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1. When two or more people acknowledge the other's discovery of humor in something that is absolutely serious, of course, without the utterance of anything but a chuckle.

Through telepathetic acknowledgement, an inevitable giggle sounded from the two when a paraplegic entered the room.

by Hellaphunt September 18, 2008

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The opposite of reading someone's mind. When somebody assumes you know what they mean, when actually, you don't.

Somebody asks you to get them an ice cream, and you bring them a scoop of strawberry on a cone. The person responds, "Strawberry?... You know I like chocolate, and I eat it in a cup..." You respond "Sorry, I can't read minds, I happen to be telepathetic."

by A Man Named "H" March 1, 2010

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The state of being when one attempts and fails to communicate via telepathy.

"I was trying to communicate with you telepathically, but I was failing miserably, and it was telepathetic!"

by Sylvermonk November 28, 2007

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having extrasensory perception, but with low accuracy; may be used as a noun or adjective; a hybrid of the words telepathic and pathetic; telepathetical is also commonly used and accepted.

Bree: Wow, I just had deja vous.
Rebecca: What? Your mom is getting fatter? That's not deja vous.
Bree: Whatever. Your mom is fat too.
Rebecca: You're totally telepathetic!

by ImBeckala@hotmail.com October 15, 2006

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Being able to read what some else is thinking or going to say.

She looked at me and I looked at her, we were complete strangers but we both smirked and then giggled about the funny mans hair, we had a telepathetic moment.

by Zooter May 8, 2006

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Someone who abuses telepathy in unbelievably stupid ways generally as a pathetic attempt to drive someone crazy "not in the know" about the average person's general disposition to do things as moronic as that.

Culture is like a psychic retard with a pinwheel laughing endlessly at the majesty of their ability to make the pinwheel work over and over again. The whole thing is rather telepathetic.

by insideoutupsydown January 26, 2010

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