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fall out boy

Here's an actual defenition, not JUST an opinion

A band from chicago formed around 2001. It consists of pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Andrew Hurley, Joe Trohman. They are not I REAPEAT NOT, and emo band(see the get up kids for some). If anything someone could call them Pop-punk. In my opinion a very good band who's fans actually go deeper than what most of you think. Fall Out Boy did exist before they were on TRL, therefore their fans existed before TRL and thefore do not consist only of 13 year old girls who love guys in gril pants.

Catchy guitar riffs and unique vocals make their music better than anything you and your crappy yamaha bass could put out.

Urban dictiony person:Fall Out Boy is SOOOO Emo.
Actual intelligent Fall Out Boy Fan:You Fucking Idiot, no they aren't, listen to the lyrics you dumbfuck.

by See you! At the disco January 1, 2006

2011๐Ÿ‘ 1415๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fall Out Boy

One of the Coolest Bands Ever! Their music is Pop-Punk Rock. Not all People like them but if a majority of people heard their new album... IT ROCKS! Go on YouTube and search Fall Out Boy. Listen to all the songs you can. Their songs can really be deep. You'll Listen, You'll LOVE!! I recommend "20 dollar nosebleed" Great beat.

Fall Out Boy is an awesome Pop- Punk Rock band.

Fall Out Boy has great Vocals, Bass, Guitar, Drums, and lyrics.

Search "Fall Out Boy" in youtube and listen to them, they are awesome!

by FallOutBoyLuvah June 25, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

fall out boy

an amazing band that could be concidered "pop punk." This band consists of pete wentz, joe trohman, andy hurley and patrick stump. many people criticize this band and call them "posers" and "sellouts" which is totaly stupid concidering the fact that most of these people have only heard the songs that are concidered their "popular hits" such as "sugar we're goin down" and "dance dance." The band probably didnt expect these songs to get popular and its not their fault that mtv and trl decided to make them the "next big trend." this band is more than a trend and it always has been. Im not saying that every1 should like them, because its impossible to please every1. but i think fall out boy deserves more credit to their music, not just the "popular" stuff but some of their older music that is overlooked by the kids who are truly only listining to them because the are popular, or the kids who hate them because they've been on trl and get played on the radio.

fall out boy is an amazing band

by sarah m.p. June 7, 2006

217๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fall Out Boy

ok this is really starting to piss me off.
FOB did exist before MTV. 13 year old poser girls did not listen to them before MTV. they're not emo. they're not hot. but their music is beast. so go pop in an older cd and listen to them. REALLY listen to them, don't just hear the crapass poser shit on the radio.

fall out boy lyrics--"calm bfore the storm. set it off. and the sun burnt out tonight"

by Lindsey4you January 2, 2006

549๐Ÿ‘ 419๐Ÿ‘Ž

fall out boy

a kick ass band with catchy songs and good lyrics.

it sucks that fall out boy is so mainstream.

by myy love. February 9, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy is a Chicago based band, that actually had a life before MTV.

It has four members; Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley.

For those of you who think Fall Out Boy are emo posers; they aren't. They aren't even emo, and, like I said, had a life before MTV. It's MTV that made them so popular, along with some air headed teenage girls, who only listen to them because 'PeTe Iz SoOoOoO hAwT!!!!!11'.

Oh, and by the way, there is no 'Tom' in Fall Out Boy. On the From Under The Cork Tree album, some tracks were mixed by Tom Lord-Alge, which could be the cause of this misconception of the invisible 'Tom'.

Normal person : Air is leaking out.

by teenHEARTS September 21, 2006

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

fall out boy

Fall Out Boy are a band from Chicago, which split crowds right down the middle. Also known as FOB (for obvious reasons), the band consists of Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman. Pete Wentz is often judged by people lacking in information about him as a poser,and judged to be arrogant. He has made a few mistakes in his lifetime,including a dangerous overdose on the anxiety drug atavan, but from what I have seen he seems a geniunely nice guy-as do the rest of the other three.
Their sub genre is often disputed, often branded by (mis-informed) people as emo. I would say they are pop, but I love them and don't care what genre they are. Many of their of fans are hysterical obsessive girls. However this is stereotyping(which I try to avoid) and there is a large percetnage of their fanbase who actually like their music, whether or not they are on MTV or TRL-these fans tend to be incredibly devoted and loyal, and generally awesome, intelligent people :P. People who hate them often prove themselves in need of anger management sessions, and suffer from a pathetically limited range of vocabulary(often resorting to offensive terms like gay,fag, shitty ass etc.) Please, haters, don't be so damn bitter. Leave Fall Out Boy fans alone. Express your opinions in more mature ways. And for God's sake, by a dictionary!
Who ever said Patrick had down syndrome, this is EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE & NASTY.You are disgusting. Other than that, have a nice day.

1.I really like Fall Out Boy.
2.I hate that band!
3.omgggg p3t3 wentzz is soo hottt!!!!!!11 he s gona marrie me
1.Please, you give girls like me a bad name- stop being such an airhead.
2.UGGGGGGGHhhhhh I hate Fall Out Boy!!

by Eralyn November 6, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž