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Swiper no swiping

What you and your friends say to another friend who is so addicted to swiping on Tinder to the point that he/she neglects their social group (or any social interaction for that matter). The phrase is announced every time your friend opens/uses Tinder, and should be announced repeatedly until your friend finally gets irked and puts their phone down.

Michael: Hey do you guys wanna hang for a bit after class?
Hannah: Yeah sure
Adam: I'm down
Michael: What about you Melinda?
*no response*
Adam: *whispers* I think she's on Tinder again...

Everyone: Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! SWIPER NO SWIPING!

Melinda: *puts phone down* Awww man!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 27, 2020

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Left swiper

Someone that will mostly get swiped left on tinder basically because there really ugly.

Guy/girl 1- dude look at this guy/girl on Instagram

Guy/girl 2- omg he's/she's definitely a left swiper

by Butthole fuck July 8, 2016


A dress so short that it swipes the female genitailia leaving nothing to the imagination, thus known as a fanny swiper!!

Emma and Layla wore there fanny swipers into the valley the dirty bitches

"wow that's a short dress!!" "thanks, it's my new fanny swiper do you like it?"

by pusicat January 3, 2011

side swiper

A turd so long that one end bottoms out in the toilet while the other end slides across the ass cheek as it makes its graceful exit.

Man, after all that beer and Taco Bell I had, I had the nastiest side swiper first thing in the morning.

by xxxx11111 December 30, 2011

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swiper no swiping

the most retarded command ever. im sure most of you have already watched dora the exlorer so you know who the fox is. dora simply asks swiper nicely to stop whatever he is doing. which is total BS cuz that is swipers job!! like dora, i dont tell you to stop walking around on your giant acid trip!! like wtf?? *sigh* anyway,
kids, do not think this works in everyday life. if you ask a bad doer to stop what they are doing, chances are, it isnt going to work.

situation where "swiper no swiping" would not work

pedofile: come here little girl. im gonna give you what you need.

helpless girl: oh crap what do i do? oh thats right! dora taught me. raper no raping!!!

pedo: wtf? oh well. *procceds to rape*

by gahhhhhwtf August 20, 2010

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Page Swiper

A good book that you're reading on your e-reader. Would be a "page turner" if a print book.

Finally reading Moby Dick after all these years on my Kindle, it's a real page swiper.

by JWH88 January 25, 2012

Floor Swiper

An act of 4-5 individuals of the male gender finding a "diiirty" spot on the dance floor and quickly bending down simultaneously to swipe it while swinging and thrusting their goodunkongs in the air and maintaining the happiest smile they've evver had.

Swiper #1:"Hey dooooode do you see that dirty

spot on the flooor over thereee?!!"

Swiper #2: "I see itttt"

Floor Swiper Action: Lots and lots of swinging and thrusting their goodunkongs in the air and maintaining the happiest smile ever.

by Swiper#1 December 22, 2009